Announcing the Winner of Our ‘Paleo Summer BBQ Giveaway’

By Grayson Hayes @cavemandietblog

We want to send a BIG thank you to everyone who participated in our contest and helped make it a success!

And a special congratulations to Jenny from Kansas, the winner of the prize pack in our ‘Paleo Summer BBQ Giveaway’ contest!. We contacted Jenny to notify her of the win and she was super excited. See for yourself, here’s Jenny:

Jenny from Kansas

She was randomly selected from thousands of entrants and we’re super proud to award her with this Paleo Summer Giveaway Prize Pack. Jenny won this epic summer BBQ prize pack:

The prize pack included:

– Caliente Mini Grill & Cooler Tote
– Silicone Grill Tools (includes gloves, tongs, meat hooks, spatula & basting brush)
– Paleo Grilling Cookbook
– KC Natural Primal Cherry BBQ Sauce
– Serveware, Drinkware & Cutlery

Jenny, we at the want to say Congratulations!

Everyone who participated made this giveaway epic for the team.

In case you missed it, you can check out the contest HERE. 

And Jenny, here’s one last celebratory dance just for you!


Thanks again, everyone and stay tuned for our next giveaway.