ANNOUNCEMENTS: New Site Updates; Please Re-subscribe

By Jsleigh14 @jsleigh14

Hello all my dear followers,

Good news, I have just moved my blog from to a self-hosted site! I did this so that I could get more freedom to customize what I want on my blog. In the very near future, you should be able to see many new features and layouts in my blog.

However, the downside to this move is that my blog can no longer send updates to the community. As a result, my followers will no longer receive updates on my site through I did not know about this beforehand, and I apologize for the inconvenience. But, you can still subscribe to my blog via email by pressing the “Follow” button in the bottom right-hand corner and entering your email. I guarantee there will be lots of exciting posts in the future that you will want to read!

Thanks so much for your support for my blog. Without your support, my blogging experience would not be as great as it is now. I hope this blog will see you again soon!



P.S: If any of you have questions about moving from to .org, I would be glad to help! Just leave a c