Anna Talks to Access Hollywood

Posted on the 23 July 2013 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Anna Paquin and some others from the True Blood cast talked to Access Hollywood at Comic Con 2013! We have a couple of the videos below for you to view.

You can watch these interviews below…

WARNING: These may contain mild spoilers…if you don’t want to know – don’t watch below.

Anna Paquin talks about getting back into shape for True Blood Season 6. She also talks about working with new co-star Rob Kazinsky. Plus, Anna discusses possible deaths this season. You can watch the interview below.

We figured because Sookie is directly involved with Benlow this season…we’d share what Rob Kazinsky said too. Watch his interview below.

Rutina Wesley and Kristin Bauer van Straten also talked to Access Hollywood. If you would like to watch their videos too…please click here!

This really stood out for me from these interviews – “Should we read into the fact Alex isn’t there?” Say wha…? Is this True Blood’s way of making us doubt whether or not Eric is going to die by the end of this season? Oh please…if they killed Eric off, they KNOW nobody would watch the show next year. That would mean the true death of the show, and we know it’s already been renewed. They can’t be THAT stupid right?

At least Anna says that there’s still love between Eric and Sookie…it’s just the wrong time and wrong place. Hopefully their paths do cross this season at some point.

I’m not going to touch the faepire baby possibility with a 10 ft. poll…because that’s so wrong in so many ways…

What are your thoughts? Please share ‘em below!