Anna Paquin and Chris Meloni Cover TV Guide

Posted on the 26 May 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

With just over 2 weeks till the premiere of the 5th season of True Blood, the folks over at TV Guide have kicked off their coverage this week with covers featuring cast members Anna Paquin and Chris Meloni

Click here for the version of the article if you have not had a chance to find the print version. I recommend reading with caution, there is not much new information… just stuff that tends to make our blood pressure rise… if you know what I mean.

Anna and Chris look wonderful in the photo shoot and behind the scenes video.

They do tease us with bits of non information that we already knew before hand, thanks to various spoilers, though deliver it in a humorous slant.

Though Anna demurely redirects that they can’t say anything and all spoiler questions should be directed toward Alan Ball since its his right. *Suddenly even the crickets go quiet at that one*

Another one of Anna’s quotes that struck a chord with me was

“We add characters as prolifically as we kill them.”

And Chris… he teases us as well a Michael McMillian does (follow him at @mcmillzz on twitter)… on how Roman drops his fangs. Now if we could just work in the unicorn horn as teased by the Rev after the first table read.

All and all, the behind the scenes video made me laugh. Though like the rest of you, I’m wondering why we couldn’t have one with Eric as well. They would have sold in a blink

(thanks for the scan)