Ann Coulter, Racist and Bigot, and Right Wing Extremist - the Proof of Twitter

Posted on the 29 June 2013 by Doggone
It seems a fair criticism that Ann Coulter, right wing extremist and conservative media darling/whore is a racist and a bigot, based on the tweet below.

@AnnCoulter Ann Coulter Yes, "real" Hispanics are on welfare. RT ‏@sweetnesslight Bill Richardson: Ted Cruz Is Not A Real Hispanic
A good working definition of the terminology is that one is a racist when you make an unfair, and unfounded derogatory generalization about people as a group based on their ethnicity, rather than recognizing the range of qualities each has as an individual. So calling a group - like blacks, or Hispanics - lazy, stupid, or dishonest would be an example of that kind of derogatory characterization. A person is a bigot if they represent something to be true about a group of people that is factually inaccurate, and if they act on it as a general assumption.
The two groups overlap and are not mutually exclusive; a racist believes and practices unfair and pejorative opinions about people on the basis of their origins, not who they really are; while a bigot does the same thing, but can be bigoted about a broader range of groups, like accusing all homosexuals of being pedophiles, or black teens who wear hoodies of being drug addicts or thieves.
Below is an example of Ann Coulter displaying that she can manage to be a racist AND a bigot all at the same time.  What she tweeted below is not factually accurate, not fair, not based on reality but on prejudice, and is specific to people from a certain ethnicity or national origin.
So, the next time you have a right wing ideologue insist to you that he or she is NOT a racist or bigot, you can use this handy example to demonstrate how both those terms function, using this example, and then applying the same rationale to their beliefs.
As noted by the Huff Po, in response to Coulter:
In fact, Hispanics use less than their fair share of government benefits, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Latinos make up 16 percent of the population, but receive 12 percent of benefits. Non-Hispanics whites, by contrast, account for 64 percent of the population, but receive 69 percent of entitlement benefits.

I wonder when we are going to see Ann Coulter call out all those "real white Americans" for being on welfare?  That would be factually accurate, but not conform to the alternate reality of Coulter's right wing ideology.  So don't hold your breath, the wait will be a long, long time - as in never - for that correction.  Instead Coulter will continue to promote the propaganda, the lies, the emotional appeal of the professional fear-monger that immigrants from Central and South America are somehow stealing from the 'real' white Americans who are successful in this country, through too generous government benefits.
Facts are not the friends of the right. Instead of embracing objective reality with a sense of fairness that accepts facts, and modifying their ideology to reflect those facts, instead we find the right not just ignoring those facts, not just denying those pesky facts, but LYING about what the facts are and are not.
Those are 'values' that stink to high heaven like over-ripe slimy pond scum on a very hot day --  like the record breaking kind that we are experiencing from global warming, another topic about which the right lies.