Animal Rights Activists Kick Off Anti-Delta Campaign with Day of West Coast Actions

Posted on the 03 December 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

from the Bunny Alliance

The Bunny Alliance coordinated demonstrations at airports along the West Coast for the day before Thanksgiving, November 27th, 2013—known as the busiest air travel day of the year in the U.S.—to raise awareness among holiday travelers about Delta Air Lines’ relationship with the vivisection industry. Protests took place at Sea-Tac International Airport, Portland International Airport, San Francisco International Airport, and Los Angeles International Airport.

The day of protests kicked off with a lunchtime demonstration and leafleting at a terminal of the San Francisco InternationalAirport. In the afternoon, Seattle-area activists held demonstrations at the entrance to Sea-Tac International Airport and then at Delta’s Sea-Tac cargo office, where a representative of The Bunny Alliance spoke with the office manager about what is being asked of Delta. In the evening, with support from Portland Animal Liberation, a group of fifteen activists held a demonstration at the Portland International Airport, where the activists talked with many supportive travelers who were concerned about Delta’s involvement in the international primate trade. The day concluded with a large nighttime demonstration at LAX, with help from Empty Cages Los Angeles. Delta’s LAX employees reportedly became so flustered by the demonstration that they disabled all five of the automatic doors of their terminal area, which forced their customers to wait outside in the cold.

These protests were part of The Bunny Alliance’s larger campaign against Delta that is demanding that the airline force its strategic partner Air France to follow the trend among other airlines and place a permanent ban on the transportation of all animals being shipped to vivisection labs across the world. Later this month, The Bunny Alliance will embark on a nationwide tour to hold demonstrations at Delta’s hub airports while they are busy with holiday travelers, as well as at Delta’s headquarters and other offices.

This holiday travel season, The Bunny Alliance and compassionate activists everywhere are holding Delta accountable and demanding that the airline take a stand against animal cruelty. Join us in this step towards the end of the transport of animals to labs; learn more about The Bunny Alliance Gateway to Hell Tour and make a donation now.