Animail Airport Terminal.

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Women On Their Way reports that JFK plans to open an animal airport terminal nicknamed the “Ark.”

The building will reportedly include:

  • “climate-controlled rooms for horses and cattle,” and;
  •  A departure lounge with places to eat and drink

3 Questions That Arise From This Story

  1. Who is flying cattle around? (We thought humans in sweatpants were the only ones who want to look like cattle on planes.)  Are these same people flying pigs around?  If so, someone is going to lose a lot of bets about pigs flying.
  2. Why do horses and cattle get climate controlled rooms in New York? Last time we checked several years ago, it seemed at least one terminal at La Guardia didn’t offer this luxury, unless you consider “climate controlled” to mean “stinky hot room.”
  3. Also, why is there a departure lounge with places to eat and drink in New York?  We’re pretty certain the only things to eat and drink at that aforementioned La Guardia terminal were cold sandwiches wrapped in plastic, wrapped in plastic, wrapped in more plastic.  Perhaps there were no hot hamburgers to avoid offending all the cows apparently flying through New York.