Angry Birds – Star Wars Gameplay

Posted on the 05 November 2012 by Onthatpage
Angry Birds – Star Wars Gameplay

May the birds be with you !

Hellow dear readers! As the official release date for Agry Birds Star Wars is getting closer, we got a glimpse about the characters, and their special new abilities! Please enjoy all the videos that we got for you!

Enjoy ! and May the birds be with you !!

I am going to show you how the game play looks like, but i will take this opportunity to post all the ads for the game, presenting the characters and a few remarkable movie scenes with a few twists.

Lets start with the gameplay!

Jejej it looks really nice! Specially the level’s design and the few new abilities. Now lets take a look of a few ads with some original movie scenes !

Which one was your favorite ?! Mine.. that is no moon ! But now, lets take a closer look about the characters and their special abilities that they bring from a Galaxy Far Far Away

Lets get it started with Luke & Leia

What about that? Mmm the only thing i did’t got is what is Leia’s Power? Force Pull ?, BTW i love the Pigs Tusken Raiders! Lets keep going with Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader

This one looks interesting, take a close view at the debris that is floating, it has a red halo around and Pig Vader has it too, when he falls dows the debris does it at the same time, so Vader controls few objects! and of course Obi Wan’s power is Force Push. Next let’s take a look at Han Solo and Chewie !

Jejeje Han Solo with his blaster and Chewie with full strenght! Now it’s time for the Droids we are always looking for!

C-3PO Xplodes and his parts hits everybody! and R2 electrify everything!

Let’s wait a few more days to take this in our hand and embrace the Power of the Pig Side ! Wait for our review of the game because it seems to have a few good mechanics from previous Angry Birds games but all together combined.

And.. just to give you a hint, do you remember the Boomerang Bird?! well we haven’t seen it, we guess that it will be BOBA FETT. It is going to be Legendary. Until next time my friends, this is all by now.