Angie Eats Italian Gelato - The Shops!

By Livingthedreamrtw @livingdreamrtw
Jeremy and I love ice cream. I'm a firm believer that everyone has a separate ice cream stomach, that a pint (or two) of Ben and Jerry's is a perfectly acceptable dinner, and that not having ice cream in the freezer constitutes an emergency. So, we are particularly excited about trying as much ice cream as we can in as many different countries as we can over the next year and a half on our round-the-world trip, starting with gelato in Italy.
As this is a special entry into the Angie Eats series that covers five cities, we are unable to put together a universal map that covers all of the stores.  Instead, we'll add a brief discussion into our Verdict post that addresses the ease of finding the shops during our stay in each city with any special instructions that may be required to get there!
The following are some of the gelaterias we hope to try in the different Italian cities on our itinerary as they are some of the highest rated in all of Italy!
Gelateria I Caruso - Via Collina, 13-15  00187
Il Gelato di Claudio Torcè (il gelato bistro) - Viale Aventino 59
Fatamorgana - Via Lago di Lesina 9/11, Via Bettolo 7, Piazza degli Zingari 5, Piazza San Cosimato (via Roma Libera 11), Via Laurina 10, Via Aosta 3
Ciampini - P.zza S. L. in Lucina, 29
Gelateria dei Gracchi - Via dei Gracchi, 272
Della Palma - Via della Maddalena 19/23
Giolitti - Via degli Uffici del Vicario, 40
San Crispino - Via Acaia 56, Via della Panetteria 42, Via Collatania, Terminal A Rome-Fiumicino, Piazza della Maddalena 3
Gelateria del Teatro - Via di San Simone, 70
Fior di Luna - Via della Lungaretta, 96
Cremeria Monteforte - Via Della Rotonda 22
Gelateria dei Neri - Via dei Neri 26
Perche No - Via dei Tavolini, 19
Carapina - Piazza Oberdan 2 rosso
Vivoli - Via dell’Isola delle Stinche 7r
Carabe - Via Ricasoli, 60
Festival del Gelato - Via del Corso
Gelateria Santa Trinità -Piazza Frescobaldi, 11-12/r
Vestri - Borgo degli Albizi 11
Otranto - P.zza Cosimo Fanzago (ex P.zza Bernini), 118
Gay-Odin - Via Vetriera 12
Chalet Ciro - Via Caracciolo
San Gimignano (outside of Florence, car required)
Gelateria Dondoli - P.zza della Cisterna, 4
Suso - San Marco 5453
Boutique del Gelato - Salizzada S. Lio 5727
Alaska Gelateria-Sorbetteria - Calle Larga dei Bari
Multiple Cities
Where will we end up during our 18-day adventure in Italy? Look out for our next post, Angie Eats Gelato! The Verdict in early August where we’ll reveal just how many places we were able to visit, and give our reviews of them!  Perhaps we'll have a few surprises added we didn't know about ahead of time too!