Andy Hoffman on “Peak Gold”

Posted on the 10 March 2015 by Adask

The following interview strikes me as awesome.

“Ranting” Andy Hoffman delivers a lot of evidence that all but guarantees that the world economy is already in depression, and the US is at least approaching that condition.  The US may be the last global domino to fall, but it’s going to fall.  Big time.  The only question is when.

The video’s been up on the web for two days.  I know that economics and statistics etc., are not for everyone.  Even so, as I write, this video has been viewed by only 2,660 people. That’s a long ways from “going viral”.  And that’s exactly why America is in such peril.  The average American is not only spectacularly ignorant, but worse, has no intention of learning anything.

There’s going to be a moment, maybe this year, or next or whenever, when the kind of ignorance most American demand as their right will be terrifying and potentially lethal.  The ignoramuses will be too incompetent to understand or correct their poverty.  The public will believe any charismatic thug who promise that if they’ll follow him, he’ll put a chicken in every pot.  I hope I’m wrong, but I fear that we could see a police state that makes the Nazis look liberal.

You really do need to prepare for what might be coming.

Video    00:39:08