And 'Vlad' Could Earn Himself a Greek Bonus!

By Davidduff

Guess which foreign ambassador was the first to be invited to the palace to meet the new Greek Prime minister?  The American? - nah!  The British? - "you're 'avin' a laugh!"  The EU's representative - not bloody likely!  No, the very first foreign ambassador that Prime Minister Tsipras wished to see and chat with on his first day in office was the Russian ambassador.  My goodness, what on earth did they have to talk about so urgently?  Well, according to a report at Zero Hedge, young Mr. Tsipras is prepared to follow the inverse of some old advice - "go East, young man, go East!"  Not the least of Vlad's attractions, er, apart from his bulging pecs, of course, is that in the East there will be a warm welcome which will be in direct contrast to the freezing winds from the West.  Already - see, he doesn't hang about, this young Greek lad - the Greek government has expressed its opposition to any more sanctions aimed at Russia by the EU.  Such lèse-majesté!  But this Greek impudence gets worse:  

In recent months, Kotzias [the new Greek foreign minister] wrote on Twitter that sanctions against Russia weren’t in Greece’s interests. He said in a blog that a new foreign policy for Greece should be focused on stopping the ongoing transformation of the EU “into an idiosyncratic empire, under the rule of Germany.” [Original emphases]

My man in Berlin reports that 'the Kaiserin was not amused'!  Her imperial features did not change but her lips tightened.  'Take to the shelter' time, I feel!