And This Just In. Rush Limbaugh Wins Childrens Author Of The Year.

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Folks there is joy in mudville today. Rush wins Childrens Author of the year award because children voted for it, Period. The best part is Libs heads will be exploding everywhere.  Why?

Make believe he’s a Lib. LOL

 Because they tried to have it removed from voting back in March when the nominees were announced. (Here) Anyway they failed, he won, and sometimes you just have to savor the little things.  :)


Rush Limbaugh wins children’s book ‘author of the year’ despite libs’ protest

May 15, 2014 by Cheryl Carpenter Klimek

Rush Limbaugh was awarded “Author of the Year” by the Children’s Book Council on Wednesday, despite early protests of his inclusion in the competition.

The announcement was made at the seventh annual Children’s Choice Book Awards charity gala benefitting Every Child a Reader in New York City.

When Limbaugh was named among the contestants for the 2014 Children’s and Teen Choice Book contest, outraged liberals demanded he be removed from contention. But the book council refused.

The Children’s Book Council described the award on its website:

The Children’s Choice Book Awards is the only national book awards program where the winning titles are selected by kids and teens. Young readers across the country voted in record numbers for their favorite books, author, and illustrator at bookstores, school libraries, and at, casting more than 1,261,000 votes.

Limbaugh received the award for last year’s, “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans.” His recently released sequel, “Rush Revere and the First Patriots,” has seen tremendous success.
