… and Then There Were Video Interviews…

Posted on the 09 April 2013 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Stop the press! We have some of the interviews with Alex for the Disconnect press day. As with every press junket, he has graciously sat down with various members the press corp to discuss his new movie Disconnect… and  a little True Blood.

Check them out below!

The video from Trailer Addict was broken up into 2 parts. Alex discusses how he was brought onto the Disconnect project, his character Derek, and how he and the cast bonded.

Trailer Addict (pt 1)

Trailer Addict (pt 2)

The folks over at ClevverNews tried there best to pry as much as they could from Alex about the upcoming True Blood season. They asked him the most important question that has been on our minds since… forever. Check out how Alex answers when asked “What is happening with Eric and Sookie?”

And E Online, check out their sit down with Alex and some of his castmates here and here … with the sound bites that keep on giving

***Videos will be added as they are published***