And Then There Is This:

Posted on the 26 November 2014 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Michael L.

Hebrews (i.e. Jews)
I had no idea that we were actually part of a small group of people under domination by a much larger aggressive majority!
But I am willing to go with it.
I have terrific sympathy for the Kurds and the Egyptian Christians (Copts), but in my ignorance I knew nothing of either the Imazighen or the Baluchis.
However, if they represent a non-or-semi-Muslim minority in the Middle East outside of Israel than they are living under oppression.
That much goes without saying.
By the way, I am no longer a big fan of the upward fist thing.  It may have been cool circa 1972, when I was iddy-biddy, but I think that we are done with it.
Don't you?