And So It's December

By Sue15cat

And so it's December ... how did that happen? 
This year has whizzed by so quickly that I am determined to make the most of this, the last month of 2017.  Every year for the past few years I have done a 'Reverse Advent', sorting out things to donate to charity shops each day and giving things away.  This year I  am have gone traditional and we each have an advent calendar, me the all singing, all dancing M&S make up and toiletry filled  calendar ...

... and Alan his favorite chocolates. Allowed as they are obviously on ration to one a day.
We are obviously doing our usual donating to charity during the Christmas season in the form of cash in collecting boxes, helping specific homeless people and always, always, always dropping food in the Food Bank trolleys that we see in all sorts of shops at this time of year.  But it's a quieter donating, and this year each day for us starts with a treat .... which I find automatically gets you in a giving sort of mood.
Soon it will be time to dig out the Christmas decorations which we traditionally put up on our wedding anniversary  (4th December), but todays December task is to empty the Sealed Pot and see what our money situation will be for next years Challenge.
December ... the last month of the year and a time to think of others, yourselves and the future.
How did your month start?
Sue xx