We're happy to be off today to get a few more things accomplished and hopefully take Lily to go see the movie SING later this afternoon. Has anyone else taken their little one or seen it? What did you think? I hope you had a safe and happy weekend!
Happy Monday my friends! Wow is it crazy we're already a few days into 2017?! Already I feel like this year might fly by, just as every other year does! So I'm sure you're all wondering what crazy party I attended and how late I stayed up right?!
Obviously not ;) Being 22 weeks pregnant already has it's already ups and downs being tired ( even more so then I usually am when I'm not pregnant ) always gets the best of me. Per usual, I'm caught up in another cold so I've been getting as much rest as possible. But this past weekend was wonderful if I do say so myself!
Zach and I spent the majority of the day on Saturday taking down all our Christmas decorations to put away for the next year. We also ran and got a few gallons of paint to get Lily's new big girl room ready for her in the next few weeks! Someone was super excited to paint ( it's one of his least favorite things to do! Opps! ) Zach had a big bowl game he wanted to watch later that day so I was able to take a few hours and read one of my favorite books for an hour or so before our company came over for dinner, a few drinks and playing cards until midnight rang in the New Year!
Sunday was extremely lazy which was ok since it was cold and rainy to start the year off. We finished painting Lily's new room, made too many to do lists to get done in the next few months before our baby boy makes his appearance and trying not to freak out about it all ha!
We're happy to be off today to get a few more things accomplished and hopefully take Lily to go see the movie SING later this afternoon. Has anyone else taken their little one or seen it? What did you think? I hope you had a safe and happy weekend!
We're happy to be off today to get a few more things accomplished and hopefully take Lily to go see the movie SING later this afternoon. Has anyone else taken their little one or seen it? What did you think? I hope you had a safe and happy weekend!