In fact the evidence that this is a false flag is superb:
- CIA Director Pompeo: Pompeo told Trump on April 6 that Assad did not do a chemical weapons attack and in fact, no attack even occurred at all. Trump nodded his head and went ahead and formed a meeting that evening where he decided to attack Syria for the chemical weapons attack that his own CIA told him never happened! Trump didn’t care whether it happened or not! Trump doesn’t care if anything at all is the truth or a lie. Truth and lies are interchangeable for him. If the Truth suits his needs best, he utilizes Truth. However, if Lies suit his needs best, which is true most of the time, then he uses Lies and in fact he automagically transforms Lies into Truths. Apparently Truth is whatever Mr. Trump says or thinks it is. He ought to have a great debate with Plato on that particular philosophical view. Of course, Pompeo along with US Director of Intelligence, along with all other intelligence officials, were ordered not to come to the meeting. They were not invited. Because they knew the Truth. And the Truth was detrimental to the Lie turned Truth that Mr. Trump wished to cynically utilize as his Reichstag Fire by shooting scores of missiles at a foreign country we are not even at war with. So he just launched a war of aggression against a nation based on what he was told by the highest authorities was an out and out lie.
- Colonel Pat Lang: Former US military, served a long time in Vietnam and a long career as a US military officer, later high-ranking official in the Defense Intelligence Agency said that all of his intelligence and military contacts told him that Assad did not drop chemical bombs and in fact, no one did on that day. There simply was no chemical weapons attack. It was a nonexistent event.
- Philip Giraldi: He is head of the organization of retired CIA officers. Giraldi stated that his CIA contacts were telling him that Assad did stage a chemical weapons attack as alleged and in fact, no such attack even happened at all.
- Scott Ritter: Famed US weapons inspector known for blowing the whistle on fake lying claims about Saddam’s WMD’s, is stating that this attack did not occur. He says we are talking about something that does not exist, in Syria’s case an event that does not exist and in Iraq’s case, weapons that did not exist. He says this is the old Iraqi WMD lie all over again. They are repeating the case WMD BS that they did for Iraq. They were called on the carpet for that one and were proved to have out and out lied, with (((Judith Miller))) of the (((New York Times))) playing a starring role for her many reports on what she knew full well were lies. But it was good for (((certain people))), so hey, we stretched the truth a bit, so what?
Further, the evidence that this attack occurred at all is simply zero.
- There were no planes in the air at the time of the “attack” before 6 AM on that day. The planes showed up at 11:30 and carried out a bombing raid. It is this bombing raid that they are attempting to say actually occurred at 6 AM and dropped the fake chemical bombs. They have craters showing the pure excellent evidence for the attack. Most of the chemicals came from one particular crater in the middle of a road. However, that crater is vastly too large to be from a chemical weapons bomb. The amount explosives needed in such a thing is only 8 ounces, just enough to release the chemicals. The crater instead was obviously caused by a conventional bomb, part of the raid that happened later.
- Chemical weapons apparently cannot be made into bombs and dropped out of airplanes. They are fired by artillery shells. Anyway the Syrian jets in the 11:30 AM attack would not have been capable of such an attack at any rate.
- Since the attack by PutinAssad was said to have occurred before 6 AM, it must have happened at nighttime. But Syria’s Air Force does not have the capability of nighttime bombing. So Syria could not have bombed at this time.
- We have two documented tweets from Al Qaeda associated Twitter accounts, one four hours before the attack and another 24 hours before the attack. Both said that there was going to be a chemical weapons attack in Irbil the next day. Wow! OK, there’s your foreknowledge right there! Either Al Qaeda can see into the future or this whole thing was a charade planned long in advance and known to be scheduled to occur before it did.
- Two weeks ago, 200 civilians were abducted from two pro-government villages by Al Qaeda. Sometimes Al Qaeda kills these people and other times they ransom them off. A number of those child “chemical weapons victims of PutinAssad” are now being positively identified as these enemy civilian hostages. This is like Ghouta where all identified victims were from a large group of Christians and Alawites abducted in Northern Syria 10 months before.
- So, PutinAssad is doing all these Sarin gas attacks on enemy controlled areas, but the only people who are getting killed are pro-Assad civilians taken hostage earlier! What? AssadPutin knows where these hostages are and deliberately shoots chemical weapons at them hoping to kill them but trying very hard not to kill any jihadis? No way.
- No symptoms of Sarin poisoning can be seen in the photos of the dead. They seem to have been killed by a chemical, but the symptoms look like either cyanide or carbon monoxide. The Ghouta victims all had symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. So evil PutinAssad dropped Sarin bombs on these poor innocent government supporters, but the Sarin turned into carbon monoxide halfway down by an act of God and that is what killed the people. OK!
- The White Helmets performance artists, an organization of fakers, liars and actors run by the US and UK to do fake rescues and make constant lying propaganda, are seen administering first aid to the Sarin victims of diabolical PutinAssad. But none of them are wearing protective gear! No way. If those people died of Sarin, the workers would need full protective gear to work with the victims. Without it, they would die or at least be killed because they would get poisoned by the Sarin themselves.
- There is a “doctor” running around like a chicken with its head cut off in the video. This man is an MD but his license was pulled in the UK because he was associated with ISIS and Al Qaeda. In fact, he was so tight with ISIS that he participated in the kidnapping of John Cantile. So this physician is a known Al Qaeda member and propagandist. He was supposed to be sentenced in the UK on terrorism charges but the charges were dropped so the British could send him back to Syria to work with Al Qaeda and ISIS. I told you the UK is working with ISIS and Al Qaeda!
- It makes no sense that there were all these child victims. There are many child victims and few adult victims. Did PutinAssad evilly decide to single out the children of government supporters to kill because he likes killing kids more than adults? I guess so.
- The scene of the “attack” is a cave base for Al Qaeda and the White Helmets near the town but not in the town. So the “attack” appeared to have happened at this base, not in the town where it was said to have happened.
- All of the “rescue workers” are dressed inappropriately for the job and their behavior is not how the aftermath of a chemical attack would be conducted. The rescue workers would all have full gear on and there would be numerous victims of all ages inside various buildings near the attack site. We should have seen videos of these workers breaking down doors and discovering dead civilians in piles in the structures.
- Sarin turns you purple. Real purple. Your whole body. Those newly dead bodies in the video are not purple so they were not killed with Sarin. Period. Instead, they are red. This indicates cyanide or carbon monoxide poisoning.
- The children appear to all have serious head wounds. I guess Satanic PutinAssad decided to drop chemical bombs directly on the heads of these poor babes, hence the head wounds. In fact in such an attack, there would be no head wounds. The only explanation is that someone inflicted these head wounds on these children. I assume that these children were beaten to death or near death prior to be gassed in some sort of gas chambers. The Ghouta victims were all killed in gas chambers. We even have photos of them. This shows there was no chemical weapons attack. A chemical weapons attack would not have caused those serious head wounds.
- The children are not dressed appropriately. If the attack happened before Dawn, they should be dressed in nightclothes as they would have been asleep.
- Why is it that a bunch of young kids without their parents are sleeping at an Al Qaeda/White Helmets cave complex base? What are they doing there? Where are their parents?