Anastasia's Picks: "Capture the Flag" by Kate Messner

By Thismomloves @ThisMomLoves
My ten year old niece "Anastasia" offers her latest book review:
Capture the Flag by Kate Messner (available July 2012 from Scholastic Press):

When the flag of the U.S.A. is stolen, three kids meet each other at an airport, and decide to try to find out who stole it. Searching for a flag is dangerous, when evil people are on the loose and searching for you. But when you have a gang of eager kids, anything can happen!
My favorite parts are when suspense takes place. You are on the edge of your seat, waiting to see what happens!
Something I would change is ... well, maybe... nothing! I liked this book through and through!
I recommend this book for 9 to 12 year olds. I will give it 4 out 5 stars.
Kate's research for this book was particularly interesting. She contacted the curator of the Star-Spangled Banner exhibit at the National Museum of American History, and once he checked her out, he invited her family to the museum an hour before it opened one day to enjoy the exhibit, "talk about how one might go about breaking into the enclosure, prowl the back hallways and ride the freight elevators to devise a getaway plan".
My students know Kate Messner as the author of "Marty McGuire", which we read this fall. We even had the opportunity for a virtual author visit through Skype, which was a fantastic experience for the kids. The second installment in the series, "Marty McGuire Digs Worms" is now out...and my students have been fighting over it!

Visit Kate Messner's site for more information.