Analysis Of Most Used Words In Hunger Games; Harry Potter; and Twilight Series’ May Be More Readable Than The Words In These Books!

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Slate put together an interesting “textual analysis” of the most popular phrases and words in the Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and Twilight series of novels.

You can view the tables of categories such as “Most Distinctive Adjectives by Author” by clicking here.

3 Questions That Arise From This Analysis

1. The second most distinctive adjective used by Twilight author Stephanie Mayer is “unreadable.” Although apparently used to describe characters’ faces as being “unreadable,” this was really a subtle message from your artificially intelligent word processor about the readability of the books, right?

2. The most distinctive adjectives used by Harry Potter’s author J.K. Rowling include: “Nasty,” “White-Hot,” “Considerable,” and “Open Mouth.” Dear Slate: are you sure that your Harry Potter analysis wasn’t mistakenly a Fifty Shades of Grey analysis of other call-me-by-my-initials British author “E.L. James.”

3. The most common sentence in the Hunger Games series is “My Name Is Katniss Everdeen.” Is this why innocent kids keep getting killed in the Hunger Games? Wouldn’t this be like everyone walking around The Terminator saying their name was “Sarah Connor?”