An Open Letter To Swedes

By Ryderwalker @RyderWalker

If you’re Swedish, then you need to book a hiking/golfing tour in the American Southwest with Ryder-Walker, and you need to do it now.
This sage advice comes from Daniel Sundqvist, our trip development director, who recently led a hiking and golfing tour in the Desert Southwest.
Daniel writes:
Ryder-Walker came up with a crazy new concept to satisfy the hunger for anyone intrigued by hiking and playing golf. 
During the first week of November we went to St. George, Utah—a time of year when temperatures reliably reach the mid 70's (20+ degrees Celsius) during the day. This is the time of year when American national parks, as well as golf courses, really lend themselves to exploration.
Together with friends/guests from Australia, the sublime weather conditions motivated us to play 18 holes and hike 6-8 miles each day for a week. That turned out to be equivalent of 12-16 miles each day, leaving us with absolutely no daylight left by the 18th hole!
Anyone who has a hard time getting out in November for their training (this means you, Swedes!) should immediately book a flight to Saint George and get blessed.
Don’t let the cold days and dark nights of northern latitudes get you down. Contact Ryder-Walker for more info concerning our new hiking/golfing adventures in the sunny Southwest. Better yet, ask to speak with Daniel Sundqvist directly. He’ll give you a few tips that will help you up your game.