An Oldie but a Goodie

By Laurawh77 @travladventurer

Dress // Thrifted // Shoes // Lulu's //

This weekend was madness. Pure madness. Friday I had my entire family over for dinner in honor of my little brothers birthday. I went all out and made a super healthy (he is a healthy freak) yet amazingly tasty and gorgeous dinner. I had everything cooked and we were just tucking into the main course when work called (my yoga studio) and needed me to come in asap. I felt bad but my main job was done and all the food had been revealed, so I grabbed my stuff and got a ride over to the studio. Made it in time. The rest of the fam ate the rest of the meal and left me this sweet note on my blackboard (pic below). I wish I could have been there for the rest of the party but knowing they had a good time is gift enough for me.

On Saturday I got to go to a performance art exhibit/event with a few friends of mine. The event was called Eat Sleep Breathe (and Shit) and it was certainly interesting. It was held in an old warehouse where some of the artist work and live throughout the year. This place was amazing, it even had a secret door which revealed itself when you pulled a book from the shelf. WHAT?! I read some Henry Miller for a bartering art exchange and everyone seemed both shocked and pleasantly amused by it. We saw some interesting performances, embroidery tattooing being my favorite one! On Sunday, I went to the Toronto Outdoor Arts Exhibition and toured around to see the different booths and artists who had their work on display. My friends had a free and open viewing of their latest project out on the lawn and I was amazed at how well it worked out of the gallery. It was also garnering a lot of attention and smiles an I was so proud and happy for them. I spent some time sitting on the grass chatting with them about their latest projects and sucking up all the beautiful weather we've been having all week. Twas a wonderful weekend of friends and fun.

Today was one of the hottest days of the summer, funny that it's redhead appreciation day and we redheads are no good in the sun and the heat. But I love it. I've had this dress forever and I dug it out of the back of the closest to wear today. It's so light, soft and breezy, perfect for these hot summer days when the wind is blowing and your skirt can be flowing. Also, the longer length in the skirt is key for windy days - I'm sooo paranoid about skirt-up-with-wind accidents... I think this whole weekend spending time with artists and with their work really inspired me to work more on my own work, design, art and otherwise.

Today was a yoga day and I think this dress was really inspired by my yoga practice. The flowers on those tiny branches they look like large lotus flowers sitting on a Japanese cheery tree. It is such a peaceful dress. I think any dress that is sheer and worn over a simply white slip is always such a lovely feeling, like icing on a cake. To top the dress of I added some more flora and fauna themed accessories. My garden is the other inspiration for this botanical outfit. The hot summer weather has my balcony garden boxes thriving and I've never had such a great crop of herbs and veggies. Nothing better than stepping out onto the balcony to add a fresh spring of oregano - turning a simple pasta sauce into a magical dinner.