An iPad, a Kindle and an iPhone All Walk Into…

By Cynthialuhrs @wickedgreens

Nope, it’s not a corny joke though if it made you think of one, please share it!

I’ve noticed something among friends and strangers lately…they are carrying multiple devices. Here’s what I hear most: I love my iPhone but not for reading, the screen  is too small. It works in a pinch but I’d rather read on my Kindle. Wait a minute – you have an iPad as well right? Yep, but I love reading on my Kindle and I use my iPad for email, surfing the web, other stuff I used to use my laptop for. The Surface may become a player – I know critics hate it but lots of folks I’ve talked to think it’s pretty nifty and are considering it as a laptop replacement and first tablet so we’ll see. Yesterday at The Streets of Southpoint mall, I took a gander. I liked it – I would replace my laptop with the Surface though let me say, I’d keep my iPhone, my Kindle and iPad – just call me the mule – carrying all my devices!

Anyway, I love the iPhone and iPad and Kindle but also find I prefer reading on my Kindle. Side note – I ordered the new Paperwhite Kindle (sold my old one) and whoo-hoo Santa came early, got it yesterday. I found I will use my iPhone to read sometimes but my iPad – well I will read on it but outside in bright light, I prefer the Kindle. I’ve heard from a few guys who are carrying their iPhone, iPad, laptop and Kindles in what I sweetly call a “man bag”. Timbuk2 makes a fantastic messenger bag for that special man in your life! A few of them have said if Microsoft Office was on the iPad they’d get rid of the laptop altogether.

Do you find yourself carrying a larger purse to accommodate your devices? Psst…the Coach diaper bag is perfect. It’s like a tote and the padded changing pad works great to wrap around your tablet, laptop, Kindle, etc.

So – do you use one device for everything or do you use multiple devices? If so, which ones for what?

P.S. If you don’t have one, it’s not too late to put it on your holiday wish list!
