An Instant of Life Captured for Eternity

By Melissak

Life has been rather stressful lately and not your willy nilly stressful. So stressful that insomnia is unavoidable and migraines come to visit you everyday.  I’m trying to keep everything easy and take life one day at a time, which is really hard for me, because I’m a chronic planner and I need to know what is going on at all times, but I’m feeling better and just letting things happen, everything will work out the way it should.  Why am I so stressed? Well buying this house did not happen, because you can’t get a loan if you don’t have a credit score, well excuse me, I’ll just quickly go get in debt and get back to you in a couple of months Bank.  We’re renting this place on a month to month basis now, which just means any moment someone can by the house and we have to get out of here.  Trying to find a place to rent is so hard, everything is so hideous! No hope for improvement, because you cant put glitter on a turd and think it will look good.  We’re looking around and hoping to find something soonish, but I’m sure everything will work out, but enough about that.  Here are some photos from life lately.

^^ When the electricity goes off, its time to whip out the gas plate and made some tea.

^^  My nemesis….I can never get this top part off to give it a wash :(, but that’s what Carl is for.

^^ Popcorn days are the best days.

^^ Pretty view and a pretty manfriend.

^^ Flowers just before the hike.

^^ Cleaning out cupboards and organizing.

^^ Weird yet beautiful bird I saw outside the kitchen door.

^^ pierogies!

Happy Monday lovelies!