an Instant of Life Captured for Eternity

By Melissak

Happy Tuesday.

Its been really hot here and really beautiful.  Everything is going well on my side especially my little vegetable garden that keeps expanding, as well as the flower garden that’s starting to bush out like crazy lately.  We’ve also added a pretty hanging garden to the wall, but let me just show you.

Raw Cos lettuce tacos ( marinated mushrooms, salsa and gauc –  BEST THING EVER) Recipe to come

The garden is moving to the wall – yes, those are strawberries

I just love these flowers

The goat obsession continues

Peacock bum

This peacock refuses to let us leave so we had to take photos until he moved along.

This ducks got attitude

The tortoise and the hare – I met them! starstruck for days

Hope everyone is having a great week