An HBD Defense of the Caste System

Posted on the 08 April 2016 by Calvinthedog

Alright, so this argument depends entirely upon whether the Indians’ “Indian-ness” is cultural or racial. If it’s a matter of culture then have at, I still won’t care what they do in India, but I’d support you if you started a movement to quarantine garbage people with irrefutably garbage ideas.

If these societal problems are based on race, though, then either A) Indians are inherently immoral (which you do not believe on the grounds of racism I suppose, or because you’ve met decent Indians outside of the context of Indian culture) or B) there are biological differences between upper and lower caste Indians which influence them to act as they do. This only addresses the caste system but that seems to be a primary criticism of yours.

I don’t even know how we’d definitively answer that question. But we do know that there are genetic differences between upper and lower caste Indians, and that those differences are racial in origin. We know that upper caste Indians living in the West probably have a high average IQ; Indian Americans are largely descended from the upper castes, and they score in the ballpark of 112 on a short IQ estimator. We know that South African Indians are largely descended from indentured servants (wild guess: they probably weren’t Brahmins), and we know that their average IQ score is lower.

Importantly, these populations are relatively isolated from Indian culture, the caste system, and so on, and they both live in roughly first world environments – my bet as to why South African Indians have higher IQ’s than the average Indian but not as high as Indian Americans, is superior nutrition aka Flynn effect.

We’d need an adoption study to make the picture clearer. The question isn’t fully answered yet – but the data seem to suggest that there are significant biological differences between the various castes of India. Since we haven’t collected any data indicating that the biological differences between Indian castes are arbitrary (and we have collected some data to the contrary), we cannot rule out the possibility that upper caste Indians act as they do because of biological differences that are outside of their control.

If you knew that most people living in your city had a low IQ, and that it was possible, for all anybody knows at this point, that their average IQ would never approach that of your own population, would you want to live in their neighborhoods? Would you want your daughter marrying one? And if you were enough of an odd bird to sincerely want that, would it be a rational expectation to expect all of the other high IQ people in that city to conform to that standard? The only way a rational person would have that expectation is if they were entirely confident that there were no significant biological differences between the two populations.

And in order to be confident of that, you must be confident that A) the racial differences mentioned above could not possibly yield a significant difference in IQ or other important traits, and B) that it’s impossible for eugenic effects to achieve such effects. You’ve entertained the possibility that race can partially determine IQ, and that eugenics can work on other mammals.

This rant only addresses the alleged evils of the caste system, but then I can’t imagine totally ruling out the possibility that other “Indian evils” aren’t genetic as many HBD’ers believe the “Black evils” are.

Either way, much of your criticism of India is that they’re guilty of flagrant inequality, but you haven’t ruled out the possibility that there is a massive IQ gap between castes, and you further haven’t ruled out the possibility that this gap is partially genetic. I don’t think that we can say with absolute confidence that India could change anytime.

It’s not just that they practice inequality. Anyway, all Indians practice their shitty caste system. Maybe some of the Dalits refuse to practice it, but others will practice it for them.

I assume the 112 IQ is for the Brahmins. Brahmins are 5.5% of all Hindus. The other 95% all practice caste too.

There’s no rational reason for any of this, anyway, as the poor don’t really act worse than the rich or middle classes. Most everyone acts bad. However, poor people don’t act any worse than anyone else, and they may even act better as they are beaten and downtrodden and have to keep their heads down and not make waves.

Higher intelligence persons tend to move away from lower intelligence persons in most societies. They don’t need caste to keep the classes apart. Most high class people do not even want to go into low class neighborhoods, so there is not a lot to worry about slummers.

If my very smart daughter was high caste, and her Dalit boyfriend was very smart also, of course I would have no problems with her dating him.

Your argument is like saying Whites should separate from Blacks via caste (they already did under Apartheid and Jim Crow) because Blacks are so much less intelligent and so much more dangerous that we need to separate ourselves from them.

A few things:

Most Whites do not live in heavily Black areas. White people avoid Black neighborhoods like the plague. There’s no need for laws to separate them. Most Whites are not even attracted to Black people, so there is not a lot of interracial dating between Whites and Blacks. Blacks on good behavior blend in very well with Whites, and there is no reason to keep away from them. Furthermore, there is nothing wrong with Whites breeding with well-behaved Blacks. Intelligent Whites do not want to have much to do with low intelligence Blacks, as most of these Whites consider these Blacks to be horrible and do not want to have anything to do with them. Intelligent Blacks associating with intelligent Whites is of no concern.

Most mating is assortative anyway.

The high castes do something much worse than just practice casteism. I have never even seen an Indian person practice caste in my life, so that behavior has no effect on me.

Nevertheless, most of the Indians I have known were pretty awful human beings in many ways. Most were also good people too, but the bad was so bad that I didn’t want to have anything to do with them. Bottom line is most Indians and especially the high caste ones are more or less psychopaths. We have a similar complaint against ghetto Blacks in the US that many of them are sociopathic.

Cottoning to these Indians is like developing a fondness for ghetto Blacks. Their behavior is nasty, awful and repulsive. They lie, cheat and steal. They cannot be trusted. They are frighteningly racist in a very backwards way. They have a hatred of Whites and Christians that is near psychotic levels. They are wildly competitive. They will stab you in the back in a heartbeat. To most of them, you are just an obstacle on the way to success to be destroyed as you are in their path.

Their degrees are worthless, as all the universities are corrupt. They are unbelievably dirty people. Their callousness is sickening. Their nationalism has a weird, frightening almost unhinged feel to it. Most of them are full of hate. These are just soulless, blackhearted human beings. If you want to know what happens when a human society loses almost all of its values and becomes utterly degenerate and wicked, just look at India. It’s the end of the road for human behavior.

I really feel that we might want to keep these people out of our country or at least be skeptical of them. Perhaps we should weed them out carefully. If they are willing to abandon Indianness and join the West, they can come here. If they are bring Calcutta with them to my city, they need to GTFO, or better yet not even show up in the first place.