An Extra Pair of Hands Comes in Handy

By Sue15cat

We had Simon, my eldest son, here for two days at the weekend ... and boy did it make a difference. 
Spurred on by knowing we had a pair of extra hands, combined with a real talent for lifting, shifting and solving problems we threw ourselves into a weekend of work.  The main purpose of his visit was to help Lovely Hubby lift and shift in the workshop.  All his new equipment, lathe, saws and other hugely heavy machinery had been delivered a few weeks ago and now assembled they all needed moving into an approximation of their final positions ready for a plan to be drawn up for the wiring of the workshop.
The boys cracked on with that while I did all the bog standard weekend chores, cleaning out the hen house, washing etc etc.  When all that was done and after a good lunch we set to outdoors.  The sleepers that used to hold up our hillside before the huge retaining wall was built behind the garage, have been waiting patiently to be put good use.  And this was always the plan in my head.
A raised bed by the road side to complete the area to the right of the polytunnel ....

.. and two beds for strawberries at the back of the poly and net tunnels.

The panels that we found here when we moved in will be put to good use to keep the birds off the fruit, after a few repairs to each one.

The three Blueberry bushes in the pots usually live in the net tunnel, but come out at this time of year so the bees and other insects can help with pollination.
You can imagine how hard Lovely Hubby and Simon worked to get these all in place and completely fill them with soil from the formerly huge earth pile we had at the end of our paddock.  A few tractor loads of earth was lifted, sifted and shifted before being levelled in the new rustic beds.
While they were doing all this I was planting potatoes on the hillside and onions in the net tunnel ... and then preparing the henhouse in the orchard ready for moving the chickens back over the next day so that we can rest Chicken World for a couple of months.
After an evening at the cinema we decided that Sunday was going to be a day off, yes all this was accomplished on just one day of the weekend  :-)
So Sunday saw us dropping my car off at the garage, walking the dogs  along the remarkably busy promenade and sitting in the sunshine at the end of Llandudno pier drinking coffee.  A day off well earned in my opinion.
Now I just have to get the Strawberry plants ready for moving into their lovely new beds once the soil has settled.
Sue xx