An Explanation...

By Lauraoatenx @lollylovesx
Hello all remember me? I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't to be honest.
You may or may not have noticed that I went MIA for ages. I didn't tweet or blog at all. I think you all deserve to no why. Basically I lost my blogging mojo and went through a stage where I honestly just couldn't be bothered. I felt like nobody wanted to hear what I had to say and nobody wanted to read my posts or listen to what products I was loving.
I completely felt crap about blogging! Which was such a shame as I used to love it so much. Everything about blogging used to excite me and the one day I just didn't feel the same :( I also didn't have the time because I used to have a retail job where my hours were all over the place.
At one point I was going to shut my blog down so nobody would ever be able to read it. But that would have been very stupid and very selfish. I checked my blogging email account a few days ago and I was shocked at how many people had subscribed to me on bloglovin. Even though I hadn't blogged people still took the time to follow my blog :) that made me so happy!!!
I'm starting to want to blog again (hence this post) I finally have the time to blog as I now work 9-5.30 Monday-Friday :) so I have my evenings and weekends free for blogging yay!!!!
I really want to get back into it and start again and I'm missing it a lot! I want to be part of the blogging community again and make friends with all of you.
This post was my way of saying sorry to you all for just disappearing! I hope you all can forgive me :)
I love you all - Laura xxx
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Hello all remember me? I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't to be honest.
You may or may not have noticed that I went MIA for ages. I didn't tweet or blog at all. I think you all deserve to no why. Basically I lost my blogging mojo and went through a stage where I honestly just couldn't be bothered. I felt like nobody wanted to hear what I had to say and nobody wanted to read my posts or listen to what products I was loving.
I completely felt crap about blogging! Which was such a shame as I used to love it so much. Everything about blogging used to excite me and the one day I just didn't feel the same :( I also didn't have the time because I used to have a retail job where my hours were all over the place.
At one point I was going to shut my blog down so nobody would ever be able to read it. But that would have been very stupid and very selfish. I checked my blogging email account a few days ago and I was shocked at how many people had subscribed to me on bloglovin. Even though I hadn't blogged people still took the time to follow my blog :) that made me so happy!!!
I'm starting to want to blog again (hence this post) I finally have the time to blog as I now work 9-5.30 Monday-Friday :) so I have my evenings and weekends free for blogging yay!!!!
I really want to get back into it and start again and I'm missing it a lot! I want to be part of the blogging community again and make friends with all of you.
This post was my way of saying sorry to you all for just disappearing! I hope you all can forgive me :)
I love you all - Laura xxx
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad