An Exception to the Know-nothing, Ungrateful iY Generation

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

The demographics of Fellowship of the Minds’ readership tend to skew toward the older, so it’s refreshing when a member of the iY Generation — those born after 1990 — not only reads and comments, but is well-informed and patriotic.

A few days ago, reacting to a post on the idiocy of some Generation iYers, reader Justin (who also uses the handle threepercent1775) reminded us that not all members of his generation are disrespectful, unpatriotic and politically ignorant. So I asked him some questions about himself and if he’d be interested in writing a guest post for FOTM. This is what Justin sent me.

Please join me in welcoming Justin! 


Greetings All,

I would like to introduce myself into the midst of the Patriotic crowd here. I thank all of you, and the good Dr. Eowyn, for the opportunity to express my values and beliefs, free of judgment. Many of you have seen my comments recently, and I hope that you found some sort of hope and inspiration in them, or at least a laugh from time to time. To better understand my point of view on the direction our country is heading, please read the short biographical essay below. I look forward to sharing posts with everyone in the future. Please feel free to comment and disagree with anything I say, as criticism is always welcome.




I grew up in a suburb of Indianapolis, in a great school community. My parents were middle class — neither rich nor poor. Most of my friendships started as early as first grade, and were maintained until graduation in 2010. Looking back, I can see the changes that were made to the school system even while I was attending.

My peers share the same ideological values as me, and we were resolute in our beliefs. We hate tyrants, love liberty and freedom, and all wish we were alive during the Reagan years.

I left for boot camp 4 days after graduating. Since returning home, I have worked with a pipe union for $11.00 an hour, quit to join a corporation making $15.00 an hour, and been promoted to run my own plant in a rural community. (God willing, I still do not know how I managed to be so lucky.)

Dr. Eowyn asked what had made me so different than the others in the iY generation. I cannot give a definite answer. I am not the smartest, nor am I the most responsible. I can tell you though, I am the most stubborn. Refusing to give up hope that we still have liberties and freedom is worth being labeled as bull-headed. A short while ago, the Pentagon asked all service members, vets, and family to remove patriotic flags, stickers, and license plates. The next day I put up the Gadsden. I fly Death To Tyrants on my car next to Molon Labe. Why should I feel threatened in my own country, when we have fought so hard for it?

I don’t defend the younger generation’s actions. Even I had a brief attraction to Barack Hussein Obama in my senior year in high school. It is hard to recognize something you have never seen and, sadly, the iY generation have never seen a free America.

I drink too much, pray too little, follow the law, put large motors in small trucks that are too loud, block traffic to prevent bottle necks on a merge. I eat red meat, pass the veggies, and haven’t had a Facebook page since 2010. I cuss like a sailor (when permissible), cry at funerals, and hold the door for women. I may sound conceited when I say things like “I wish people drove like me,” but I’m simply stating the truth.

There are more patriotic young people like me. We may not be the majority, but we don’t need to be a majority to make a difference, as history has shown again and again, most notably during the American Revolutionary War of Independence.

Always remember the power of Three Percent, and how a few standing up can change the course of history.

Semper fi,
