An Excellent Summary of US Imperialism at the Moment

Posted on the 16 April 2014 by Calvinthedog

By James Petras.

Everything he says here is 100% true, but you will never hear it in the MSM, and probably less than 5% of Americans think that the US is an imperialist country, that the US has an empire or that US foreign policy is primarily based on imperialism.

Yet imperialism is a fact and US imperialism is obvious. The article laws it all out for your right in front of your naked eyes.

Americans really need to take a stand. Are you for US imperialism or are you against it? The powers that be have set it up so that the question never even gets asked! And if you say the phrase “US imperialism” you get looked at like you are a wide-eyed lunatic even by your fellow liberals.

In Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow, a famous line says:

If They can get you asking the wrong questions, They don’t have to worry about the answers.

See how that works?

The powers that be (who know full well what they are doing I believe) have drummed it into everyone’s heads that the US is not imperialist country, that there is no US empire and that US foreign policy is not driven by imperialism. That way we are assured to never have a debate about it as no one ever asks the question in the first place. You can’t have a debate if you don’t know what the question is. Any suggestions that US imperialism exists is greeted with outrage, anger, ridicule or violence and the person suggesting that this is true is treated like they are insane.

This is how you brainwash 300 million human beings!