An Excellent Description of the Swamp Fox, Aka Ze Prezident

Posted on the 27 April 2018 by Lowell

This is a comment on a post on Crooks & Liars.  The link is here.  It is one of the best descriptions of D. J. Trump I've reard.
tramp is a political neophyte that does not understand the separation of powers our Constitution maintains.
tramp is a lying hypocrite for not being patriotic enough to release his tax returns and prove to the American citizenry that he is working for us and not Putin. Remember this, tramp does not trust YOU enough to release his tax returns.
Who could have guessed that a reality TV star with no government experience, 6 bankruptcies, 5 kids from 3 different marriages, 19 charges of sexual assault, and 4000 plus lawsuits, could be so bad at being president?. tramp is one who is against lots of things but doesn't seem to be for anything, offers bombastic and contradictory promises, is a terrifying Orwellian statesman, insults veterans, threatens a free press, mocks the handicapped, denigrates women, immigrants and Muslims. 
We might as well of handed the flight controls of a 747 over to pilot with only model air plane experience.