An Essay on Sandy Hook

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Maureen Crowley is the brave woman who, on March 3, 2015, spoke out on the Sandy Hook massacre fraud at a public hearing of Connecticut’s Public Safety and Security Committee.

Maureen Crowley

For a video and transcript of her testimony, go to:

Memory Hole

Submitted by Maureen Crowley

Since I wrote the following essay, I have confronted [name deleted], “embalmer of three Sandy Hook “victims” I told him to not fear the Connecticut Mafia, and that he should come forward with the truth. Inches from my face he screamed at me,,”not the Connecticut Mafia, the ITALIAN mafia”. Yes, it is my opinion that organized crime paid a huge role in pulling off the Sandy Hook Hoax. Also, when I dropped off the essay with the offices of Bishop Tobin of Providence, RI, he called the Rhode Island State Police, who then called me. Here is a slightly updated version of the essay.      

“The powerful conglomeration of interests that tried to pull off the events in Sandy Hook, Connecticut on December 14, 2012, must have realized the visual power of the medium of television. The beautiful children were where the emphasis was…

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