An English Country Wedding Meets Scottish Shindig!

By Claire

Emily and Scott’s wed­ding is sim­ply beau­ti­ful (I’ve stopped talk­ing about the kilts) — the details are sub­lime. I love the wed­ding cake: tiers with lovely blue flow­ers, Emily is a real beauty and her dress is exquis­ite! The blue theme works so grace­fully; the wed­ding car is sump­tu­ous — and the pho­tog­ra­phy in the ruins is out of this world. All pho­tographs are by fab­u­lous Sus­sex wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers Tino & Pip.

Such a gor­geous bride and groom as well… this Eng­lish coun­try wed­ding has every­thing. Won­der if there’s a spare usher? Every­one — enjoy!

Emily and Scott’s Eng­lish coun­try wed­ding (with kilts)!

Who pro­posed, and how? Scott took Emily to a remote beach on Holy Island (just off the coast of Northum­ber­land) and pro­posed at sun­set with the engage­ment ring and a bot­tle of cham­pagne. A total sur­prise to Emily!

Wed­ding venue: Slaugham Place, West Sussex

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Tino and Pip

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Eng­lish coun­try wed­ding meets Scot­tish shindig!

The wed­ding ceremony:

Reli­gious or civil? Reli­gious cer­e­mony at Church of the Good Shep­herd, Brighton

Which read­ings did you choose?

1 Corinthi­ans 13 and Extracts from ‘Let­ters’ by Rainer Maria Rilke

The wed­ding reception:

What were your highlights?

The arrival through the trees in the beau­ti­ful 1960 Jaguar MK11 (pro­vided by Pre­mier Car­riage), sun­set at the absolutely stun­ning set­ting at Slaugham Place (the ruins, the arches, the moat, the bridge), play­ing cro­quet on the lawn and the slightly rau­cous ceilidh with music from the bril­liant Licence to Ceilidh and the speeches per­formed through a loudhailer!

Venue styling and details:

Scot­tish kilts, this­tles and ceilidh com­bined with Eng­lish coun­try­side, churches and blue coun­try flowers.

Music and entertainment:

Ceilidh pro­vided by Licence to Ceilidh.

Mem­o­rable moments:

First dance– Strip the Wil­low– it was really good fun hav­ing all your friends and fam­ily take part and share in your first dance.

The fan­tas­tic weather which allowed every­one to enjoy the cro­quet and bowls out­side, the beau­ti­ful grounds, moat and bridges and the deli­cious Pimms and canapés (by Super­Event). It did how­ever chuck it down at about 10 but by that time no one cared!

Speeches with the loudhailer.

Wed­ding day advice:

Some­thing will go wrong and no one will notice (our orders of ser­vice never turned up so the whole fam­ily pulled together on Fri­day night to make our own ones).

Even if you are not artis­tic, it is amaz­ing how good, sim­ple hand­made addi­tions look. We made our own name tags, seat­ing plan and table num­bers. Done with friends over a few bot­tles of wine, it can be fun too!

Enjoy the day– if you get the right pho­tog­ra­phers, the cou­ple shots are a really good time to relax and enjoy spend­ing some time with each other whilst also look­ing beautiful!

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

Slaugham Place (cater­ing and mar­quee pro­vided by Super Event).

Tino and Pip — Sus­sex wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers (relaxed, fun and beau­ti­ful pho­tos).

Beauty Call for hair and make up.

The Cheese Shed for the wed­ding cake made of cheese– it comes with a dec­o­ra­tion pack and is so easy to do!

Big Day Blooms– Paula came up with unusual ideas for the flow­ers and was really cre­ative about mix­ing in the Scot­tish theme.

License to Ceilidh– fun ceilidh band who will get all your guests on the dance floor (even my 88 year old grandma!).