My wife, daughters, and me were watching basketball the other night on TV. My youngest is coloring, my oldest is yelling at the players, my wife is folding clothes… nothing unusual. Until my oldest out of nowhere started to talk about what her teacher said to do if someone with a gun comes in.
We talked more about it and she said that her school is also starting a new thing where they lock all the school doors. Even the front door. No one in. If you want to come in, you have to ring a bell at the front school door and someone will come get you.
We asked what she thought about all this and she mostly shrugged, “it’s weird to have to ring a doorbell to go to school.”
The locked door idea sounds good, but dudes, school kids hiding in a corner in the classroom — that’s one of the big ideas? Throwing books at someone with an AK47? Surely we can solve this problem better than that. Right, dudes? Right?