An Elegant and Classical Ansty Hall Wedding

By Claire

With ivory roses and lit­tle bird­cage details to dec­o­rate tables, the result is a relaxed and unfussy wed­ding cel­e­bra­tion. I think it’s richer for hav­ing no ‘fluff’ to detract from the romance and sin­cer­ity of get­ting married.

The images are by Derby wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Chris Sed­don, and Haylee and Michael have been kind enough to share their best wed­ding moments with us as well. I think this is a wed­ding to browse slowly with a lovely cuppa… it’s beau­ti­ful. Enjoy. Claire x

A clas­si­cal, ele­gant and beau­ti­ful Ansty Hall wedding

Who pro­posed, and how?

Michael pro­posed by set­ting up a trea­sure hunt. He placed clues which led Haylee to all her friends and fam­ily till even­tu­ally it led her back home where Michael had cooked her favorite meal and lit the place with can­dles… He pro­posed over pud­ding

Wed­ding venue: Col­ly­croft Methodist Church and the Ansty Hall

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Chris Seddon

How would you describe your wed­ding style? Clas­si­cal and romantic

Haylee and Michael had a reli­gious wed­ding at Col­ly­croft Methodist Church and chose John 4 V 7–12 as their wed­ding read­ing.

Ansty Hall wed­ding reception

What were your highlights?

Haylee’s: Shar­ing the whole day with friends and fam­ily we love

Michael’s: My sur­prise fire­work dis­play and hav­ing all our friends and fam­ily in one place for a day.

Venue styling and details

We didn’t really have a theme so just tried to be very clas­si­cal. We dec­o­rated the place with can­de­labras and bird cages.

Music and enter­tain­ment: We hired a Michael Buble trib­ute who later pro­vided the disco

What did you wear?

Michael wore the tra­di­tional black tail coat with a ivory waist coat and cravat.

Haylee wore an Ivory A-line dress by Ella Bridals

Mem­o­rable moments

Haylee’s: Michael’s face when the fire­works went off (he had no idea they were hap­pen­ing– It was my wed­ding present to him)

Michael’s: See­ing Haylee for the first time. She looked so beau­ti­ful — and how very ner­vous it sud­denly made me. Also how nice every­thing turned out (even the weather was per­fect) and see­ing how happy every­one was for us.

Wed­ding day advice

Plan plenty in advance and enjoy your day. It goes by so fast so make sure you try and take every­thing in and relax.

Rec­om­mended Ansty Hall wed­ding suppliers:

We were so happy with all our sup­pli­ers so here’s just a few…

Des­tiny: Designer wed­ding sta­tionery

The Rocket men: Fire­works

Chris Sed­don: Pho­tog­ra­pher

James Will­son: War­wick­shire Video

kirsty what­ley: Harpist

The Ansty Hall: Venue – All the staff were amaz­ing and so friendly