An Easter Treat! ... Sunday's Service!

By Joseph Harrison @JTAH_1990

As the UK's 3rd National Lockdown showed signs of easing, this glimmer of hope gave myself and my closest family members one day that we will always cherish. Life is precious, tomorrow isn't always guaranteed, that 'Easter Treat' gave us one final day as a family. For what I didn't know at that time, that 'Easter Sunday' was a celebration of life! So, who mentioned 'chocolate?'

Finding myself still in England without a set return date back to China had me feeling thankful for once, if truth be told that delay acted as a blessing in disguise. A huge blessing! With outdoor gatherings made possible by the first elements of the 'Roadmap' in place, that 'Easter Sunday' myself, Mum and Dad all made our way to Kinver to see my Brother, Sister-in-Law and their children. Abiding by the rules, our day was made possible due to the rapid vaccination rollout that the NHS are handling so marvellously, Cherry Valentine I'm talking to you! Set within a picturesque part of South Staffordshire, we reunited for our day out at Bodenham Arboretum. Seeing my Niece and Nephew is always magical, every moment spent with them is always cherished to the maximum! Being back from China has been something that I haven't enjoyed but Miss Rona has taught me some serious life lessons, this trick had me reevaluating things quicktime! O & O appeared to be very happy, my Niece has definitely found her words! 我爱你!!!

Walking around the lush surroundings within the grounds of Bodenham Arboretum with my nearest and very dearest ones was just the best. My Niece was into everything, she wanted to feed the animals and maybe even go for a swim in the lake because the ducks made it look so very appealing! My Nephew trotted along, styling out a few mini tantrums but his Mum gave him the right amount of snacks because food is definitely his vice. I won't go into the finer details as to why this day out was so very special, that is my business. Getting to see the chickens go 'berkurk' in their coup just like Tayce styled out so effortlessly during the Snatch Game on RuPaul's Drag Race UK! They were definitely 'chooky!' O & O loved seeing the animals up close and personal. My Nephew was obsessed with the radishes, he was determined to give the sleeping sow some snacks even though she was sound asleep after giving birth. Our day together was golden, the memories made will stay with us forever and then some more! Oh, family is key! 

Maybe I had 'Lockdown Amnesia?' I tell you why, I cannot remember 'Easter 2020' for the life of me! So, fast forwarding to present day 2021, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a few 'Easter' treats! Being realistic, I wasn't expecting any eggs because I'm old! Yes, I had some lovely sweet treats that are captured above. I am yet to enjoy the 'Dianne & Denise' hot chocolate in the same mug! Regargless, it is 'dzgustin' because if I want to have 'anuva' hot chocolate then 'I whill!' Clock that mug exclusively at @regarglessmerch over on Instgram because its them single muvas you're supporting over there! It was great to actually have some 'real time' content to blog about because life under the 3rd 'Lockdown' has been tiring to say the very least. Listen to me, I really need to be thanking my lucky stars because that 'Easter Treat' was the gift that kept on giving. The day had been blessed, having the chance to see my Niece and Nephew gave my life for certain! Of course, my sweet treats would be enjoyed sparingly. It was a case of divine timing, B! 

The weather was amazing that Sunday, we had experienced some changeable weather before that 4th of April meeting at Bodenham. Before going to the Arboretum, myself and my Parents went over to wish my Grandparents, Aunts and Cousins a very Happy Easter! For events that have suddenly occurred, it was a defining moment. We didn't know that during that Sunday but we will look back on that Easter Sunday as one to cherish, to look back and think how precious life can be. Yes, 'Easter' might be about that long haired, Jesus character but it was a day that we had the chance to unknowingly spend together, blissfully unaware of what the next three weeks would have in store for us. I'm usually in China around this Springtime period, for me that part of the year would be about the 'Tomb Sweeping Festival' long weekend. For a change, I gained the day back at home with my family to realize that sometimes all we need is love. I truly believe in timing, we cannot control how life happens, we have to let fate take us down the chosen path. 

The photo above took a lot of head-tilting to perfect, I'm talking about my angles not the beer! Yes, Corona was my choice of beverage for that glorious Sunday because no beer ever caused a 'World Pandemic' moment. I knew on the way back from Bodenham that the day needed celebrating, the slow removal of those 3rd Lockdown settings deserved a bottle or five of Corona! Toasting life, I was able to sit out in the back garden for a little while because the sun so kindly shone. My Brother had mentioned he was going to stop off for some beers on the way back, I thought about that and definitely that motivated my taste for several beverages. The day had been blessed and it wasn't over, I still had my Sunday Roast to eat and fix of RuPaul's Drag Race Season 13 to watch! The weather had been beautiful, the people were even more so! I sipped on my questionably named beers without a care in the world, nothing shocking would suddenly be happening anytime soon! Or was I wrong about that? Live for now, tomorrow is not guaranteed. 

Now, even though I have no memory of 'Easter 2020' that doesn't matter one bit right now nor will it ever really. 'Easter 2021' was perfect, in that moment it was just a nice day out that was spent with family after our period of separation. Chocolate eggs and Easter treats are nice but time spent with those who mean the most to us, that is the kind of sweet craving to fix! This time next year, I'll most likely be in China but for the time that I have spent in England, that was no mistake. Miss Rona has had me grounded in England for a reason, my priorities remain the same but the intent and the thought process behind things have been overhauled. Like I said before, it is my business what has happened but I know that each moment from this moment onwards needs to be doubly, triply and quadruply cherished and savoured. Their are no mistakes, unlike chocolate, life can sometimes turn very sour when we least expect it! I know those Corona named beers were the toast to life, I just didn't know it! Live for now love forever! 

This One Is For You... Big Man! 

Joseph Harrison