An Asian and Caribbean Celebration — Spectacular Wedding Colours and Lush Ideas!

By Claire

Chris and Ran­jeet had the help of my friend and wed­ding plan­ner Julie Daw­son, who goes by the (very apt!) name of The Wed­ding Genie. I’ll let Julie tell you about the wed­ding day, and the images you’re about to enjoy are by Cathy from Oehlers Pho­tog­ra­phy.

Enjoy! Claire xxx

Spec­tac­u­lar Asian & Caribbean wed­ding colours — Ran­jeet & Chris

By Julie Daw­son: I started to work with Chris and Ran­jeet right at the begin­ning of their jour­ney. Chris thought a wed­ding plan­ner would help Ran­jeet because she has a busy and demand­ing job. How cool is that for a man to think of a wed­ding plan­ner! Ran­jeet was not sure because she is super organ­ised but in the end we became a per­fect mix. I helped fuse together their vision, gave plenty of sup­port and pro­duced a bril­liant team of suppliers.

Ran­jeet and Chris had very def­i­nite ideas. They wanted was to try and incor­po­rate both back­grounds and cul­tures into the wed­ding day but for it to be very styl­ish and quite mod­ern. An Asian and Caribbean fusion that slot­ted together with­out clashing.

Ran­jeet wanted a clear dis­tinc­tion between the day and night time cel­e­bra­tions. In the end we went for a dusky pink theme with accents of hot jewel wed­ding colours. Dur­ing the cer­e­mony we used dusky pink which came from the flow­ers and the sashes on the chairs for the cer­e­mony and the brides­maids dresses. It was sim­ple but tasteful.

In the evening we used hot pink and coral colours and cen­tre­pieces that were a mix­ture of high and low var­ied cre­ations by Ava Event Styling. Each table was to have crys­tal and can­dle­light and an abun­dance of color. One of the high­lights of the decor was the spec­tac­u­larly coloured dessert table and giant cup cakes.

The rest of the details included sta­tionery incor­po­rat­ing a but­ter­fly theme, all hand­made by Ran­jeet and her sis­ter, Kiran, as well as aisle decor made by Kiran too and sig­na­ture cock­tails to reflect the Caribbean aspect.

Every­one was involved, Chris was bril­liant at test­ing the sweetie favours! The food was a Caribbean buf­fet for the day­time and Indian cui­sine for the evening.

The weather was kind to us so we could have the steel band play out­side, whilst the evening was a mix of music from a spe­cial­ist DJ.

Ranj’s Mum sur­prised all of us includ­ing me with a Bol­ly­wood Dance Troop who were fab­u­lous. The evening fin­ished with a bang with a fire­work dis­play. The whole day was a joy.

One of the high­lights for me was to see Ran­jeet change into her beau­ti­ful Indian wed­ding dress, the colours and jew­els were amaz­ing, then to be drummed into the mar­quee with guests clap­ping and cheer­ing was as delight.

Just what a wed­ding should be, full of fam­ily, love and laugh­ter to cel­e­brate a most devoted couple.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

  • The Wed­ding Genie — Julie Daw­son, Stafford­shire wed­ding planner
  • Ava Event Styling — cre­ative event styling for wed­dings, Birmingham
  • Oehlers Pho­tog­ra­phy — wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy Nottingham
  • William Knights — wed­ding films, based in Lon­don (see Ran­jeet and Chris’s wed­ding high­lights film)