An Afternoon At Luton Hoo

By Alternativeeden @markngaz

 Luton Hoo is a large stately home and now a Hotel on the edge of Luton. The house was built by the Third Earl of Bute by the architect Robert Adam, whilst the gardens were designed by Capability Brown. The gardens are often said to remain very accurate to Browns design although the passage of time is evident in places.

A view of the house as you approach down the long drive.

We had gone for a belated anniversary celebration, originally planned for April, world events had postponed our visit. But along with tea and cake, we had to have a look round the gardens too.

Views of the formal gardens by the terrace

Although a small pool there were quite large carp in the water.

From the formal garden you pass though a large gateway into the parkland

All round the garden are magnificent trees.

View back to the house

The garden has a lot of large cedrus

There are quite a few areas that hint of the gardens past, such as this aging pergola leading to a leveled area that is now just laid to lawn.

All through the wooded areas are elderly trees, some of which have seen better days. 

Another great cedrus with Mark for scale.

As the gardens are not heavily used by hotel guests we pretty much had the place to ourselves as we walked round. The gardens in places do feel like they need some significant tree work and some replanting, however for a 250 year old design that has been left relatively true to the original it is quite a magical place to walk round.

And of course the purpose of or visit was for afternoon tea!
