An Act of God by @davidjaverbaum

By Pamelascott

The One with the first and last word on everything has finally arrived to set the record straight. After many millennia, and in just 90 minutes, God (assisted by his devoted angels) answers some of the deepest questions that have plagued mankind since Creation.


[In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth'. Yea; that takes me back]


(Audible Original, 4 June 2019, 1 hour 11 minutes, bought from @audibleuk, free with membership for a limited time, various narrators)



I loved this play so much. It's hilarious. I would have loved to see it life and performed in a theatre. @SeanHayes performs the play and he is just brilliant, the perfect person to take on the role of a sarcastic and sort of bitchy God. I laughed so much I could hardly breathe. This is hilarious and completely spot on and relevant to modern society. It's very tongue-in-cheek and sarcastic. I can see people who are very religious taking offense but I'm an atheist and I loved it.