An Absolutely Epic Etsy List

By Dieworkwear @dieworkwear

If you’re as big of a Ralph Lauren fan as I am, get ready to crap your pants. 

My friend Zach is an inveterate thrifter, with an eye for quality and style. So when he lost out on British Ventile smock recently, he was understandably pretty disappointed. 

Looking through the feedback section for that item, however, he noticed a familiar name: John Wrazej. 

If you don’t know the name John Wrazej, you definitely know his employer. He’s the Senior VP at Ralph Lauren and heads up the company’s menswear design team. He’s also an often photographed figure on various street style blogs, including The Sartoralist. 

Turns out, John is pretty active on Etsy. In fact, he has a thirty-one page list of his favorite finds – which includes everything from the best of vintage militaria to silver Navajo bracelets to craftsman styled furniture. Going through this list feels like you’re looking at a shoppable version of Free & Easy, except that it’s also been vetted by the head of design at the greatest menswear brand ever. 

You can find the list here. Quite seriously, it’s incredible. 

(Million thanks to Zach for this tip off. You the real MVP).