Amy and Dan’s Castle Wedding in Cornwall — and the Best Wedding Day Surprise Ever?

By Claire

I love how their wed­ding has a style rather than a theme. It seems a lovely way to make the day’s styling very per­sonal: to choose things you both love rather than going for a sin­gle color or theme and find­ing things to fit in. Amy looks absolutely gor­geous, and she and Dan cre­ated their very own mag­i­cal day — it works a treat!

The images are by wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Alan Law, and Amy and Dan have shared their wed­ding story at the end of the blog post today. I loved read­ing it — espe­cially the sur­prise men­tioned in the title. You won’t want to miss it, I promise! I gasped and had a tear in my eye when I read it myself!

Huge con­grat­u­la­tions to Amy and Dan, and my thanks to the lovely Alan Law for sub­mit­ting their wed­ding to the blog! Enjoy. Claire xxx

A beau­ti­ful cas­tle wed­ding in Corn­wall — Amy and Dan

Amy and Dan’s wed­ding story — and that surprise!

The bride and groom: Amy and Dan

Wed­ding venue:

Pen­den­nis Cas­tle and The Fal­mouth Hotel

Wed­ding photographer:

Alan Law Pho­tog­ra­phy, Corn­wall

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Relaxed with no one inten­tional style. We chose colours and out­fits we liked and tried to achieve some cohe­sion as we went along. The end result evolved over time. It was a quite a mix of com­ple­ment­ing colours and ideas per­haps, though we think it all looked lovely and also impor­tantly, every­one was really happy in what they wore.

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony:

Amy arrived at Pen­den­nis Cas­tle in a dark red bee­tle that had been qui­etly rust­ing in Dan’s Dad garage until its res­ur­rec­tion by some skilled mechan­ics the week before the wed­ding. The cer­e­mony took place in the keep, lit by can­dles and shafts of sun­light through the nar­row cas­tle win­dows. Amy walked down the aisle to a song she’d com­posed her­self, sung by a friend, first verse an ethe­real acapella to match magic of the venue, sec­ond verse accom­pa­nied by a string quar­tet. The quar­tet were all friends of the fam­ily as her mom was a vio­lin teacher.

Which read­ings did you choose?

We had a lovely read­ing from Cap­tain Corelli about what true love is, like two trees that have grown together, but when the pretty blos­som has fallen away the roots are as one. We had another from a Native Amer­i­can wed­ding cer­e­mony: ‘Now you will feel no rain, For each of you will be shel­ter for the other. Now you will feel no cold, For each of you will be warmth to the other’

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

We wanted to keep it sim­ple as the loca­tion itself was so beau­ti­ful. The cas­tle and hotel have an atmos­phere of their own that didn’t need too much enhance­ment. We had can­dles and tea lights at the cas­tle which was very inti­mate and mag­i­cal. At the recep­tion we wanted the flow­ers to reflect the rural loca­tion and the time of year, so the tables had wreaths of wild, woodland-type flow­ers and foliage around a cen­tral candle.

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

We cheated and sent out invi­ta­tions attached to emails, which worked well. Dan’s brother-in-law drew a sketch of Amy and Dan under the cas­tle arch for the cer­e­mony pro­gramme and for the ‘get to know Amy and Dan quiz’ that was put on all the tables. Amy’s mom organ­ised an activ­ity table at the recep­tion as we had lots of chil­dren of all ages to entertain.

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

The New­lyn Reelers pro­vided a Ceilidh after din­ner, that got young and old up and danc­ing. A local DJ then played songs from a playlist we selected our­selves… with help from friends and family.

What did you wear?

Amy wore an ele­gant champagne-gold gown by Kate Sher­ford that she won on ebay for £100, she had a bolero made by a lovely wed­ding dress designer in Truro called Anna D’Souza .…embar­rass­ingly Dan spent 5 times as much on a blue tweed jacket from Ted Baker, which he wore with a knit­ted tie to keep up the coun­try theme.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

Tak­ing our vows before all the peo­ple we love.
Amy telling Dan she was preg­nant on the trip between the cas­tle and the Hotel!!

Wed­ding day advice:

It’s good fun: You don’t get to organ­ise such a big party very often so make the most of it. Also look for­ward to being sur­rounded by all your friends and fam­ily in one place, it’s a pretty spe­cial experience…

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers: