Amsterdam’s Dreaming of a Pink Christmas

By Amsterdam City Tours

Amsterdam’s dreaming of a Pink ChristmasDeck the halls with boas and leather - fa la la la la, la la la la!

Pink is a color not often associated with Christmas. A shame really, because if anyone knows how to throw a party, it's the gay community. Particularly the gay community in Amsterdam. And, more specifically, the group responsible for both Gay Pride Amsterdam and Pink Christmas, Progay.

Spanning thirteen lucky days, Pink Christmas started this year on 19 December (so you've got four more days including today to catch it while you still can) and makes a pretty incredible consolation prize if you're bummed about missing this year's Gay Pride.

Sadly, the most anticipated event of the whole Pink Christmas shebang, the Drag Olympics, has come and gone (yup, you read that right... Drag Olympics - it's as amazing as it sounds). But there's still plenty of fabulous things to see and do.

A men's underwear party, a lesbian coffee morning, a Haiku workshop, the Drag Cabaret, a host of parties... is there anything the organizers haven't thought of?

Another great reason to join in the fun (as if there weren't enough already)? Each year Pink Christmas dedicates the festivities to an LGBT activist group, and this year, they'll be supporting the Pride Fund (Amnesty International and COC Nederland).

So, dig your feather boa out of your closet and dust off your leather. It's not too late to have a Pink Christmas this year.

Brings a whole new meaning to "Don we now our gay apparel," doesn't it?

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