Amren Talks About Me

Posted on the 21 December 2016 by Calvinthedog

New article on the Anti-Anti-White Left, a follow-up to a previous article on the same theme, discusses me, Rabbit and some other Lefties and liberals writing along somewhat the same lines that liberalism and the Left has to quit beating up White workers, calling them names and lecturing them about privilege.

From the piece:

2) There is some confusion about the term “alt-left.”

Among racially conscious whites, “alt-left” refers to the handful of race realists who also support leftist policies such as the welfare state and gun control. There are a few websites dedicated to their ideas, such as Robert Lindsay’s blog and

Outside of these circles, “alt-left” means something else. Once Hillary Clinton promoted the term “alt-right,” pro-Clinton writers began using “alt-left” to smear other leftist writers—generally pro-Sanders people—who criticized Mrs. Clinton’s derision of Trump supporters or her focus on identity politics. In short, “alt-left” is a Clintonite smear of what I am calling the anti-anti-white left.

The first two paragraphs are correct, but the third is completely wrong. But oh well.

One piece points out that while Trump did not offer laid-off Rust Belt workers much, Hillary offered them absolutely nothing at all other “retraining.” Retraining has been the go-to liberal solution to globalization and horrific trade deals by neoliberal Democrats like the Clintons and Obama for decades now. It didn’t work back then, and it’s not working now. For one thing, it appears that this retraining was never even implemented. For another thing, it is dubious if it will ever be implemented, especially in this climate. More importantly,  saying “We are going to retrain all the workers fired by these horrible trade deals,” is just liberal handwaving and virtue signaling. How bout never throwing them out of their jobs in the first place? How bout that?

Clintonian Democrat: “Hey, we are going to throw all you White people out of your good-paying jobs so the top 10% of the population can get even richer, but don’t worry, we will retrain you to do something else, like, um…I dunno? But don’t worry! We love you! Don’t forget to vote Democrat!”

White worker: “Why are you throwing me out of work to enrich one of my class enemies in the first place though? Whose side are you on anyway? Are you on the side of me or my class enemies? Make up your mind.”

Clintonian Democrat: Bla bla neoliberalism, bla bla free markets, bla bla failed socialism, bla bla socialist failure, bla bla the budget deficit, bla bla trade deals are good for consumers, bla bla the world is changing, bla bla you can’t run away from globalization, bla bla globalization is great and helps build strong bodies 12 different ways, bla bla didn’t you know that.

Bla bla of course you are our friends, bla bla but the rich are our friends too, bla bla these are wealth creator, bla bla these are the people who give you your jobs, bla bla what are you racist or something, bla bla protectionism doesn’t work, bla bla protectionism caused the Great Depression lie, bla bla we have to get hip and get with the program, bla bla we are part of a globalized world now there is no avoiding that.

Bla bla free trade deals are good for the “economy”, bla bla trade deals are good for “economic growth,” bla bla trade deals are good for the stock market, bla bla most people are now invested in the stock market, bla bla mom and pop investors, bla bla most workers are investors now through their 401K’s and pensions, bla bla the stock market is about all of us, bla bla we all get hurt when the stock market goes down,

Bla bla financialization is the future, bla bla FIRE industry is the future, bla bla sell debt and get rich, bla bla destroy companies for no reason and get rich, bla bla fire lots of workers and get rich, bla bla why don’t you go back to school, bla bla anyone can get rich, bla bla Horatio Alger, bla bla the American Way, the business of America is business, bla bla automation is killing your jobs not trade deals.

If you lost your job to an illegal that shows you’re a loser lol, bla bla you are all deplorable White people, bla bla check your privilege, bla bla vote for us we are for women, bla bla vote for us we are for gay people, bla bla vote for us we are for trannies and every other freak,  bla bla vote for us we are for Hispanics, bla bla vote for us we are for illegals, bla bla vote for us we are for immigrants, bla bla vote for us support diversity, bla bla vote for us support Black Lives Matter, bla bla don’t be racist now, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.

White worker: Bye, you’re not even talking to me. Trump’s awful, but at least he’s talking to me. Maybe what he’s selling won’t work, but you aren’t selling me a thing. So I’m voting for Trump. I may be a fool, but I’m not an idiot.