Amphitheatre Heritage Hike - Bernhard and Christine - February 2012

By Spanafrican

Bernhard and Christine with the iconic Amphitheatre

Bernhard and Christine from Cologne in Germany had hiked to Zulu Cave with me in February last year. They enjoyed their trip so much that they came for a second trip this February. I was once again happy to assist them with another hike. On their last visit they have only experienced the berg from the foothills so it seemed appropriate to share the experience of having a bird’s eye view of this incredible mountain range from the top of the escarpment. The easiest way to do this is by hiking to the top of the Amphitheatre from the Sentinel Car Park via the famous Chain Ladder.
If you would like to do this hike contact us at or have a look at our website for other exciting options.

Clilmbing to the top of the escarpment from the Cavern

The gap that gives access to the escarpment is a very narrow and rocky gully. At some point you need to be in all fours.

Once on top it levels off. The rest of the way is a pleasant walk by the escarpment with beautiful views of the Royal Natal National Park on the east and the QuaQwa area on the west.

We couldn't ask for better weather for February. In the background the Sugarloaf is visible.

Views from Witsieshoek Mountain Resort: From the Amphitheatre to Cathkin Peak in the Monk's Cowl Area

The mighty Amphitheatre before in the twilight

The next day on our way to the Chain Ladder. From right to left: The Sentinel, The Witches, the Easter Buttress and the Vemvaan Valley in the Royal Natal area

Christine with breathtaking views of the Amphitheatre

A little break before the Gully

There are 2 ways to get to the top of Amphitheatre: The Chain Ladder and the Gully. Here climbing up the step loose-rocky Gully.

The Gully is a 200m stiff scramble!

A panoramic shot of the Sentinel with the Royal Natal National Park in the background.

The Amphitheatre is a 5 km wall that stretches  from the Sentinel Peak to the Easter Buttres

The Amphitheatre and the Tugela Falls

On the way back we decided to go down the Chain Ladder. Christine has just finished the first set of ladder.

And now  the second and longest section of the Chain Ladders.

Bernhard doesn't like heights so It took lots of will power to go down the Chain Ladder

Views of the QwaQua Area from the Chain Ladder.

For me, the picture of the trip. Absolutely stunning!

Bernhard and Christine exhilirated after coming back from the Amphitheatre

The bestl light conditions for photography are usually in the evening.

A last shot of the big wall.