Americans Afraid Of Socialism (But Not Socialist Programs)

Posted on the 19 May 2020 by Jobsanger

The charts above reflect the results of the recent Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between May 10th and 12th of a national sample of 1,500 adults (including 1,175 registered voters). The margin of error for adults is 3.2 points, and for registered voters is 3.4 points.
I found this interesting. Americans would overwhelmingly approve of giving all adults who don't make $120,000 a year about $2000 a month while the Coronavirus pandemic is still raging through the country. But in that same poll, the respondents overwhelmingly disapproved of socialism.
That's strange, because the $2000 a month payments are clearly a socialist program.
It shows that most Americans don't understand just what socialism is. They think it's a kind of government (like Stalin's dictatorship in Russia or Mao's dictatorship in China). It is NOT! It is an economic system, and can exist under a democratic form of government.
The right wing has been pretty effective is making Americans scared of the word "socialism" through decades of propaganda. But in spite of being scared of socialism in general, Americans actually like many socialist programs.
Republicans opposed the creation of Social Security and called it socialism. They were right, but the American people wanted it, and it has turned out to be an effective and very popular program.
Republicans opposed the minimum wage, calling it socialism. They were right, but the American people wanted it, and still overwhelmingly support it.
Republicans opposed Medicare, calling it socialism. They were right, but the American people wanted it, and it is an effective and very popular program.
Republicans oppose universal healthcare, calling it socialism, and have so far been able to block it. But poll after poll show the American people want it (in spite of it being a socialist program).
I could go on, but you get the idea. Americans may be afraid of the word socialism (because they don't understand it), but they are not afraid of socialist ideas and programs. They actually want a country that has an economy fair to everyone -- not just the rich and corporations.