This volume follows two stories: one written by Snyder and one written by King. Snyder's story is set in 1920's LA, we follow Pearl, a young woman who is turned into a vampire and sets out on a path of righteous revenge against the European Vampires who tortured and abused her. This story is paired with King's story, a western about Skinner Sweet, the original American Vampire- a stronger, faster creature than any vampire ever seen before with rattlesnake fangs and powered by the sun.
[Here's what vampires shouldn't be: pallid detectives who drink Bloody Mary's and only work at night, lovelorn Southern gentlemen, anorexic teenage girls, boy-toys with big dewy eyes - SUCK ON THIS BY STEPHEN KING]***
(Vertigo, 2 December 2014, 200 pages, ebook, borrowed from @AmazonKindle via #PrimeReading)
I really enjoyed this graphic novel. The illustrations are excellent, really vivid and of a high quality. I enjoyed Pearl's story quite a bit more than Skinner Sweet's. Skinner Sweet's story is well written, beautifully illustrated and interesting but I enjoyed Pearl's a little more. The structure used took a bit of getting used to. Each chapter is split into two sections, one section about Pearl and one about Skinner Sweet. I found this strange as both stories are not connected. It took a couple of chapters to get used to the layout and flow of the stories. The layout worked perfectly on my kindle without adjustment so I didn't need to zoom in or adjust any of the settings as I've had to with other graphic novels. Both stories were dark and delightful.