American Crew Pomade Review

Posted on the 01 January 2020 by Nail

American Crew Pomade Review

In today’s post, I’m going to reviewing an American Crew Pomade which is American crew heavy hold. So this is the newest Paul me that American crew is released and it’s supposed to be a stronger hold which is different from their previous one. I compared it to you know more of like a styling oil because where it had very little grip it didn’t make up for it in its shine whereas with this pomade it’s supposed to give you a high shine but also a good grip as well. So we’re going to see that right now.

The labeling as you can see because the sticker is all the way to the right side. Well, right side here but my left and so it’s placed all the way right there and so you know here’s the lettering. So nothing too special about it. It’s pretty mediocre obviously, they’re not trying to have you collect the tin as much. We’re going to look right into the pomade.

Which is it right here?

At first glance, you think it’s black but that’s because the canister when you scoop it out it actually has a clear appearance. The last one had a yellow tent. You know something compared to like a to hot glue. In this case, it’s very clear and there’s really no tent in it. Now when I was testing out the scent it had more of a citrus clean type of scent. It reminded me of fisticuffs when I reviewed that about a year ago.

It had that same kind of scent. I’m not going to complain because it wasn’t a bad scent but it’s just you know it’s just clean orange citrus fragrance really.

Now, as far as the actual product itself goes it’s a fairly easy me to scoop out. I had no issue with it. I scooped it out. It did give a little bit of resistance which I do like in water vs probably because that does tell me it will have a good grip for the most part when I was applying it. I did. I didn’t fly it both dry and moist. I prefer working with it moist because it doesn’t dry up as fast whereas if you put it in dry it’s gonna immediately stiff stiffen on you and it’s gonna give you more of a cube shape in the hair.

When I applied it moist it give me a did give me the round shape and it didn’t stick in as fast but it wasn’t to the point where I kind of culminating more so it’s important to retain some moisture in the hair and just not too much because then it’s going to easily dissolve in and you’re not going to be able to work with it at all. As far as my side part went. It maintained a very well I didn’t really have to worry about any loose hairs as you usually do when you’re working with any pomade.

I didn’t get that problem and also it does deliver on his promise of a heavy hold as far as the pompadour goes. It can work for that just as easily as you can see it does give a good Sheen as well. Here it is. So if you guys are looking for a commie me that gives a heavy hold as well as a good Sheen this does deliver on it. It keeps its promise and that’s something that was positive out of this. Tommy if you’re a guy with thick hair like me this will definitely work if you are interested in buying American Crew permits.

Because when I worked with the original Tommy I do like it because the scent is good and whatnot. But unfortunately, just that rip does not help me in my case since I do have thick long hair and I do get a lot of loose hairs that just don’t cooperate in this instance since the product does get stiff. It’s able to hold them down in place and you don’t have to worry about that. Thanks for reading guys if you like then share with others.

That’s it for now. I’ll see you in my next post.