America, Land of Sex-Crazy Puritans

Posted on the 21 September 2017 by Calvinthedog

When It Comes To Sex, Americans Are Barking Mad and Always Have Been

What in the Hell is the matter with Americans anyway? Why are we so insane about sex? America has always been insane about sex, possibly dating back to its puritan roots. The fact that this is the only Western country with a huge fundamentalist religious movement cannot be helpful.

On the one hand, there is free porn everywhere, all over the Internet, available for anyone to see, even underage teenagers. And underage teens of both sexes definitely watch porn. By age 18, I would gather that the vast majority of teens of both sexes have seen Internet porn. I had a client once who had started masturbating compulsively to Internet porn at age 11. And, get this, this person was female. Yep, an 11 year old girl masturbating compulsively to Internet porn. Now obviously she’s an outlier, but the point is taken.

She brought up the issue of “early sexualization” regarding today’s kids in regards to her own experience.

In addition to flooding society with free porn, we fetishize and nearly mandate sex. We make it impossible to criticize even the sickest, most messed up sex acts.

Gay men like to eat shit? That’s just fine! Don’t you know it’s homophobic to criticize that?

Sick people get into S/M relationships where a sadistic man basically abuses a self-hating masochistic women, all done under the rubric of S/M of course, so we are not allowed to criticize it, except that in terms of its dynamics, it looks exactly like any abusive relationship with a cruel man and suffering, Stockholmed battered woman? This is basically torture sex. We are not allowed to criticize torture sex. If people want to torture each other, that’s their business!

Another thing not discussed is the relationship between S/M, B/D sex and psychopathy and sex crimes, including kidnapping, rape, torture, murder and serial murder. It is extremely common for men who committed violent sexual crimes against women to have a background interest in S/M B/D sex. Women involved in the scene report that many of the male doms (really just sadistic men) have sociopathic tendencies, and many are out and out psychopaths.

A lot of the masochistic women who come out of the “consensual” S/M B/D scene end up damaged, often seriously, by years of abuse done under the “cool” rubric of S/M B/D. The sort of damage that they present with looks exactly like the psychological damage that women in abusive relationships show. But hey, that’s just fine. A sex scene that produces rapists, kidnappers, torturers, murderers and serial killers is just fine! And you’re a stuffy uptight prude if you disagree!

Gay men want piss on each other and drink each other’s piss? Well that’s just fine! How uptight of us to object to such a thing! We must be evil or something. Why don’t we try it ourselves? What’s wrong with you? You won’t drink piss? What are frigid or impotent or something?

Gay men want to shove fists up each other’s asses, sometimes causing serious damage to their bodies? How dare we object. We are evil homophobes! Fisting is just fine! We must be uptight or something. Why don’t we try it ourselves, we might like it?

For straight people, sex is nearly mandatory, even if you are single. I knew a 19 year old college girl who absolutely hated herself because she was still (technically) a virgin. She said she felt like a total loser. You can go on the Internet and read underage teenage girls complaining bitterly that they are still virgins and predicting that they will be virgins all the way to age 18. One was so angry about it that she was determined to seduce one of her father’s friends just to get rid of her virginity.

Guys who can’t get laid are considered losers. We are all supposed to be having tons of sex all the time, and if we are not, we are hung up, failures, losers and maybe even mentally ill, sick or even evil. I have seen people call men who were not getting any evil on many occasions. If you’re not having sex, you’re a sinner! Wow. We’ve turned morality upside down. Sins are virtues and virtues are sins! Sade would be proud of us.

At the same time as we push this Wild West baccanalia sexual free for all with its sinful chastity and virtuous whoredom, we are probably the most puritanical country in the entire West. Most of this is being driven by Gender Feminism, one of the most fanatically puritanical movements to emerge in our time and  probably by the Christian fundamentalism, which is somehow working right alongside the whorish Babylon. So we hate sex, and we are sex-crazy. This actually makes sense because there is evidence that the more you repress sex, the more sex-crazy people get due to pent-up frustration.

Way to go, Americans! Way to be stupid! Keep being idiots! Don’t stop now! You’re just getting started.