America, C.I.A. Guilty of Torture.

By Harry @web_pensioner
After years of denying torture it has come out that they did it. The man in charge of the I C A  said they did it and no-one should be blamed, yes they should along with you, charged and taken to court, but then they can’t. The American constitution does not allow them, any-way a court would let them of free.

Everyone new they did water boarding, sleep deprivation, threatened the detainees that all their woman would be raped and the other family members killed.

This was keep secret from the President, senate and congress what shame  the C I A have brought on the U.S.A.They got little or no information from the detainees and indeed they found out that some of them were completely innocent people.

A congress man said all the C.I.A. men who took part in this were patriots, well I’m sorry, but I say ballocks, they should be charged with war crimes, taken to court and shamed in front of the world.

No-one will ever be prosecuted over this or held to account they will likely get medals. The detainees will never be able to sue for what happened to them, because America does not let people do that.

The only person prosecuted was the whistle blower who said that this was happening and said it was totally wrong, but the top people refused to listen to him, they just stuck their heads up their arse so they would not hear.

Well America who wants the world to like you more, you have done untold damage and your name will be even more hated. You will never be able to go to the U.N. or anywhere else and accuse someone of torture because this will be thrown back at you.