Bans “Nobody Died at Sandy Hook” but Not Other Sandy Hook Books

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

In late October, 2015, listed for sale a newly published book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, which was co-edited by Professor James Fetzer. Contributors to the book include Professor James Tracy, Dr. Eowyn and other professionals.

Almost immediately, a small battalion of “reviewers” who haven’t read the book attacked the book on Amazon, giving it a one-star rating. But they were outnumbered by the 5-star ratings given by readers who had purchased and actually read Nobody Died at Sandy Hook.

Less than a month after offered Nobody Died at Sandy Hook for sale, the book had received more than 80 reviews and an average rating of 4+stars, having received plenty more 5-star than 1-star ratings.

On November 20, 2015, however, Fetzer discovered that had taken down, i.e., suppressed, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, even though Amazon was making good sales on the book — 500 copies in less than a month. (For more details, see my post “The hounding of Sandy Hook skeptics: Halbig threatened; removes Nobody Died at Sandy Hook“.)

According to Fetzer in an interview, went so far as to delete the book from a customer’s Kindle.

But there is no dearth of books about Sandy Hook being sold on It’s just that all the books repeat the government-media’s false narrative. Here are the books I found, arranged by the year in which the book was published:

  1. Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis (and Robin Gaby Fisher), Choosing Hope: Moving Forward from Life’s Darkest Hour, G. P. Putnam, 2015. (Kaitlin Roig was a teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary School when the alleged massacre occurred.)
  2. Deanna Spingola, Screening Sandy Hook: Causes and Consequences, Trafford Publishing, 2015.
  3. The New York Times, Tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary, The New York Times Company, 2014.
  4. Matthew Lysiak, Newtown: An American Tragedy, Gallery Books, 2014.
  5. Andrew Solomon, The Reckoning: Searching for Meaning with the Father of the Sandy Hook Killer, Scribner, 2014.
  6. Connecticut Office of the Child Advocate, Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School: The Adam Lanza Report, Press, 2014.
  7. Rebecca Hinkley, et al., Where Have All the Children Gone, Rebecca Hinkley, 2014.
  8. Dr. Leland D. Benton, Was Sandy Hook a Hoax? Sandy Hook Hoax Allegations are Disturbing! (Forensic Investigation) (Volume 1), published by Amazon’s CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013.
  9. Dr. Leland Benton, Was Sandy Hook a Hoax?: Hoaxes and Scams, ePubWealth, 2013.
  10.  Scarlett Lewis (and Natasha Stoynoff), Nurturing Healing Love: A Mother’s Journey of Hope and Forgiveness, Hay House, 2013. Scarlett is the mother of alleged Sandy Hook child victim Jesse Lewis.
  11. Victor Thorn, Sandy Hook: A Critical Analysis of the Media’s Pathetic Practices and and How They Spawned a Wave of Alternate Conspiracy Theories, Poisoned Pen Publishing, 2013.
  12. Doug Giles, Sandy Hook Massacre, White Feather Press, 2013. (Now I finally understand why, despite his and his commercial website Clash Daily‘s anti-Obama, anti-Left, and pro-gun stance, Giles had never published anything that questions the official Sandy Hook narrative. I am disappointed in him, and will no longer reblog or cite Clash Daily.)
  13. Charles K. Bunch, PhD, Sandy Hook: Symbolism, Archetype and Meaning, Spiral Fractal Media, 2013.
  14. Suzanne Davenport, Letters from Sandy Hook to the World, Karuna Publications, 2013.
  15. Mark Bennett, The Promise: The Families of Sandy Hook and the Long Road to Gun Safety, Brookings Institution Press, 2013.
  16. John E. and Marlene Derossett, Every Parent’s Nightmare: Adam Lanza & Sandy Hook Elementary, CreateSpace, 2013.
  17. D. E. Alexander, School Shootings – Columbine – VA Tech – Sandy Hook – The Slaughter of the Innocent, Adoni Publishing, 2013.
  18. Conrad Powell, Sandy Hook Slaughter: The Newtown Shooting and Massacre in Connecticut – Adam Lanza. Thoughts and Lessons on a Tragedy and the Coming Paradigm Shift, First World Publishing, 2012.
  19. Julia Audrina Carrington, Jesus, Why Did You Let Those Kids At Sandy Hook School Die?, CreateSpace, Dec. 17, 2012. This 34-page book was published a mere THREE days after the alleged shooting – a record!

Welcome to Obama’s America, where censorship is alive and well, and where big corporations (like Amazon) work hand in glove with government. That’s called corporatism, aka fascism.

In order that Americans know the truth about Sandy Hook, Fetzer has made the book available for free to anyone to read. To read/download the book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, click here.

For links to all the posts FOTM has published on Sandy Hoax, go here.

H/t “Barry Soetoro, Esq.” and FOTM’s truckjunkie.
