By Carolinearnoldtravel @CarolineSArnold
Many thanks to all the people who have reviewed SETTLEMENT HOUSE GIRL on Amazon. It’s always rewarding to discover that readers like my book! Here are a few of the reviews. Remember that these are written by regular people, not professional book reviewers. I’m often surprised by what they like best.

Delicious “comfort” reading.  

A memoir about growing up in a time and place a little different (not a lot, in the Big Picture, but a lot, in the details) from mine. I absolutely loved reading a chapter or two at a time, especially at bedtime, and looking forward to returning to the world of the book. Reading it was easy and fun. It felt gentle and warm. When the author's life experiences reminded me of mine, it resonated with me, made me feel smart thinking I knew exactly what she meant, and made me admire her writing because it was dead-on. Yet when her experiences were completely different from mine, it elicited an even stronger reaction, which I find notable—the fact that differences piqued my interest more than similarities. It’s an interesting form of intellectual stimulation. Another glowing facet of the book is that her parents' dedication as social workers is beyond admirable.Picky Reader

Important history.

Caroline Arnold's book about her own life in a settlement house kept me riveted. I'd known nothing about this part of our social history. Thank you, Caroline.—Jane A. Bolton

You will enjoy this book.

You will enjoy this book if you are interested in: US history, Minnesota history, Minneapolis history, genealogy, ancestry, social work, community organizing. . . And family stories and autobiographies. Prolific children’s and nature author Arnold shares her interesting and treasured life experiences.--Kathy Jurichko

Very Interesting.

I went to junior high school and high school with Caroline. Therefore it was really interesting to read her story!! I never knew there were girls sports at Washburn High School, but she played tennis. I fully enjoyed reading the book.Miriam